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Polecane oferty pracy

Sales Engineer (automatyzacja produkcji)
LeasingTeam Group, Katowice, śląskie
LeasingTeam Professional wspiera polskie i globalne przedsiębiorstwa w pozyskiwaniu kluczowych pracowników i zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi. Agencja specjalizuje się w rekrutacjach stałych na stanowiska średniego i wyższego szczebla oraz outsourcingu white-collar. Skutecznie realizuje zlecenia, pracując w oparciu o autorską metodologię ASSET, która porządkuje działania rekruterów i zwiększa ich efektywność. Posiadamy biura w Gdańsku, Warszawie, Katowicach, Krakowie, Poznaniu oraz we Wrocławiu. Professional należy do LeasingTeam Group - największej w kraju grupy spółek doradztwa personalnego wyłącznie z polskim kapitałem, która od 15 lat skutecznie łączy kandydatów i pracodawców, świadcząc im kompleksowy zakres usług HR.Aktualnie dla jednego z naszych klientów z obszaru automatyzacji produkcji poszukujemy kandydatów na stanowisko:Sales Engineer (automatyzacja produkcji)0097155Pozyskanie nowych klientów z obszaru automatyzacji procesów produkcyjnych i rozwijanie istniejących relacji biznesowychWspółdziałanie z zespołem inżynierów w przygotowaniu koncepcji rozwiązań technicznych;Przygotowywanie ofert oraz prowadzenie negocjacji z klientami;Przygotowanie i prowadzenie spotkań biznesowych, udział w konferencjach branżowych i działaniach marketingowych.Min. 2 letnie doświadczenie w sprzedaży produktów związanych z automatyzacją produkcji w tym: sprzedaży robotów i maszyn, komponentów automatyki;Wykształcenie wyższe techniczne (Automatyka, Robotyka, Mechanika lub pokrewne);Znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie min. B2;>
Sales Engineer
SMART-HR, Katowice
Opis stanowiskaDla naszego klienta wiodącego światowego producenta, działającego w branży inżynieryjnej, w związku z intensywnym rozwojem, poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko:Sales EngineerMiejsce pracy: home office, cała PolskaOsoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku będzie odpowiedzialna za:Zarządzanie całościowym procesem sprzedażowym i obsługi klientów,Pozyskiwanie nowych klientów biznesowych, realizację sprzedaży do nowych i istniejących klientów oraz prowadzenie i koordynację sprzedaży: przygotowywanie wycen, doradztwo techniczne oraz podpisywanie kontraktów,Ścisłą współpracę z Inżynierami Serwisu oraz z pracownikami Wsparcia Sprzedaży,Nadzór nad dokumentacją przetargową i udział w przetargach,Uczestnictwo w konferencjach branżowych i promowanie wizerunku firmy na targach,Ścisłą współpracę z oddziałami firmy zlokalizowanymi w USA oraz w Europie,Koordynowanie procesu realizacji zamówienia i obsługi posprzedażowej klienta,Analizę konkurencji oraz wprowadzenie strategii sprzedażowej na rynek.Wymagania:3-letniego doświadczenia zawodowego na podobnym stanowisku w branży technicznej,Doświadczenia zawodowego w przygotowywaniu dokumentów przetargowych,Umiejętność budowania bardzo dobrych relacji z klientami,Umiejętności zarządzania obszarem sprzedażą, wyznaczania priorytetów, dobrej organizacji pracy własnej,Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego,Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności komunikacyjnych i sprzedażowych, w tym przygotowywania prezentacji,Wykształcenia wyższego,Dobrej znajomości pakietu Ms Office,Postawy proaktywnej, zorientowania na potrzeby i satysfakcję klientów, kreatywności,Gotowości do odbywania częstych podróży służbowych (do 60 %). Oczekujemy:Zatrudnienie w międzynarodowej, dynamicznie rozwijającej się firmie,Stabilną i satysfakcjonującą pracę w oparciu o umowę o pracę na pełen etat,Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie oraz bogaty pakiet świadczeń socjalnych (wczasy pod gruszą, dodatki na święta oraz opieka medyczna), a także bardzo atrakcyjny system premiowy,Niezbędne narzędzia do pracy (laptop, telefon, samochód wysokiej klasy),Kompleksowy program szkoleń międzynarodowych oraz duże możliwości rozwoju zawodowego.Forma zatrudnienia:pełny etat
Sales Engineer
Smart-HR, Katowice, slaskie
 Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku będzie odpowiedzialna za:Zarządzanie całościowym procesem sprzedażowym i obsługi klientów,Pozyskiwanie nowych klientów biznesowych, realizację sprzedaży do nowych i istniejących klientów oraz prowadzenie i koordynację sprzedaży: przygotowywanie wycen, doradztwo techniczne oraz podpisywanie kontraktów, Ścisłą współpracę z Inżynierami Serwisu oraz z pracownikami Wsparcia Sprzedaży,Nadzór nad dokumentacją przetargową i udział w przetargach,Uczestnictwo w konferencjach branżowych i promowanie wizerunku firmy na targach,Ścisłą współpracę z oddziałami firmy zlokalizowanymi w USA oraz w Europie,Koordynowanie procesu realizacji zamówienia i obsługi posprzedażowej klienta,Analizę konkurencji oraz wprowadzenie strategii sprzedażowej na rynek. Od kandydatów na to stanowisko oczekujemy:3-letniego doświadczenia zawodowego na podobnym stanowisku w branży technicznej,Doświadczenia zawodowego w przygotowywaniu dokumentów przetargowych,Umiejętność budowania bardzo dobrych relacji z klientami,Umiejętności zarządzania obszarem sprzedażą, wyznaczania priorytetów, dobrej organizacji pracy własnej,Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego,Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności komunikacyjnych i sprzedażowych, w tym przygotowywania prezentacji,Wykształcenia wyższego,Dobrej znajomości pakietu Ms Office,Postawy proaktywnej, zorientowania na potrzeby i satysfakcję klientów, kreatywności,Gotowości do odbywania częstych podróży służbowych (do 60 %).Pracodawca oferuje:Zatrudnienie w międzynarodowej, dynamicznie rozwijającej się firmie,Stabilną i satysfakcjonującą pracę w oparciu o umowę o pracę na pełen etat, Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie oraz bogaty pakiet świadczeń socjalnych (wczasy pod gruszą, dodatki na święta oraz opieka medyczna), a także bardzo atrakcyjny system premiowy,Niezbędne narzędzia do pracy (laptop, telefon, samochód wysokiej klasy),Kompleksowy program szkoleń międzynarodowych oraz duże możliwości rozwoju zawodowego.
Senior / Lead Full Stack Java Developer Poland
EPAM Systems, Katowice, śląskie
Lead a team of developers Provide active technical support within the team Share best practices and set standards Have an option to take on the role of architect in a relatively small project Active programming (XP), user-centric design, lean product management, iterative and incremental Work on modernizing legacy components and refactoring the product to be compatible with the latest technology stack Communicate with a client and business stakeholders on the product features Bachelor’s degree strongly preferred More than 6-8 years of experience in software design, development, and testing skills Expertise in critical analysis & troubleshooting Strong Java development skills Experience with JavaScript Working knowledge of the Spring framework Proficiency in Stored procedures (MSSQL, T/SQL) Prior experience modernizing Java applications (specifically Struts/JSP 6apps) to Spring Boot and Angular 2+ Excellent written and verbal communication skills Ability to understand the business domain and match it with the technical implementation Ability to lead a dev team, proactively provide technical guidance, share best practices and establish standards Being able to take architect’s role in scope of a relatively small project Being a self-starter and having a proactive position is important Experience/familiarity with RETS (Real Estate Transaction Standard) dataset (real estate industry dataset) (Good to have) We gather like-minded people: Friendly team and enjoyable working environment Engineering community of industry’s professionals Flexible schedule and opportunity to work remotely within Poland Chance to work abroad for up to 60 days annually Relocation within our 50+ offices We provide growth opportunities: Outstanding career roadmap Leadership development, career advising, soft skills and well-being programs Certification (GCP, Azure, AWS) Unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, Get Abstract, O’Reilly, Cloud Guru Language classes on English and Polish for foreigners We cover it all: Stable income (Employment Contract or B2B) Participation in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan Referral bonuses Benefits package (health insurance, multisport, shopping vouchers) Corporate and social events
Sales Engineer
SMART-HR, Katowice, Śląskie
Zakres obowiązków Zarządzanie całościowym procesem sprzedażowym i obsługi klientów, Pozyskiwanie nowych klientów biznesowych, realizację sprzedaży do nowych i istniejących klientów oraz prowadzenie i koordynację sprzedaży: przygotowywanie wycen, doradztwo techniczne oraz podpisywanie kontraktów, Ścisłą współpracę z Inżynierami Serwisu oraz z pracownikami Wsparcia Sprzedaży, Nadzór nad dokumentacją przetargową i udział w przetargach, Uczestnictwo w konferencjach branżowych i promowanie wizerunku firmy na targach, Ścisłą współpracę z oddziałami firmy zlokalizowanymi w USA oraz w Europie, Koordynowanie procesu realizacji zamówienia i obsługi posprzedażowej klienta, Analizę konkurencji oraz wprowadzenie strategii sprzedażowej na rynek. Wymagania 3-letniego doświadczenia zawodowego na podobnym stanowisku w branży technicznej, Doświadczenia zawodowego w przygotowywaniu dokumentów przetargowych, Umiejętność budowania bardzo dobrych relacji z klientami, Umiejętności zarządzania obszarem sprzedażą, wyznaczania priorytetów, dobrej organizacji pracy własnej, Bardzo dobrej znajomości języka angielskiego, Wysoko rozwiniętych umiejętności komunikacyjnych i sprzedażowych, w tym przygotowywania prezentacji, Wykształcenia wyższego, Dobrej znajomości pakietu Ms Office, Postawy proaktywnej, zorientowania na potrzeby i satysfakcję klientów, kreatywności, Gotowości do odbywania częstych podróży służbowych (do 60 %). Oferujemy Zatrudnienie w międzynarodowej, dynamicznie rozwijającej się firmie, Stabilną i satysfakcjonującą pracę w oparciu o umowę o pracę na pełen etat, Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie oraz bogaty pakiet świadczeń socjalnych (wczasy pod gruszą, dodatki na święta oraz opieka medyczna), a także bardzo atrakcyjny system premiowy, Niezbędne narzędzia do pracy (laptop, telefon, samochód wysokiej klasy), Kompleksowy program szkoleń międzynarodowych oraz duże możliwości rozwoju zawodowego.
Retail Software Product Manager
Diebold Nixdorf, Katowice, śląskie
JOB DESCRIPTIONExpect more. Connect more. Be more at Diebold Nixdorf. Our teams automate, digitize, and transform the way more than 75 million people around the globe bank and shop in this hyper-connected, consumer-centric world. Join us in connecting people to commerce in this vital, rewarding role. DescriptionIf you like to inspire people and drive innovations, if you are an expert for retail business processes and best practices, and if, ideally, you have experience working at an international or multinational operating retail company we have a perfect job for you as a Retail Software Product Manager with focus on the Touch Points in a retail environment operated by consumers and staff.In this role you will analyze our target retail market segments to identify emerging demands, pain points and translate these into requirements for our software portfolio to implement customer journeys in all designated touchpoints. You will work closely with portfolio owners and requirement engineers as well as key stakeholders such as UXUI designers to adjust and enhance our product and product innovation strategies with the clear ambition to ensure our software products’ capabilities to enable retailers for introducing innovative and differentiating consumer and staff journeys. Location: Katowice, flexible work will be consideredResponsibilities Analyze demands and data provided by retailers, analysts and other market participants such as technology players and identify innovation trends out of that collected data pool,Implement product strategy and roadmap content in collaboration with retail software product management leadership,Define and document new / innovative use cases and extensions to existing use cases and drive alignment with other relevant stakeholders such as UXUI design, requirement engineers or software partner management,Plan implementation and release of use cases and capabilities for continuous enhancement of our software products,Initiate prototyping where applicable and appropriate in collaboration with UX Design, software architects, product managers and software partner management,Interact with Diebold Nixdorf key customers for collecting user feedback and drive continuous improvement of our Retail Software Product Portfolio,Work alongside product management peers and product marketing to drive market readiness and achieve Go-To-Market (GTM).RequirementsRetail industry expertise (+5 years expertise)Solid and provable knowledge about retail industry core processes esp. for Fast Moving Consumer Goods retail and Slow Moving Consumer Goods retail e.g. Grocery l, Department Stores and Specialty retailing and Fuel and ConvenienceIdeally work experience in business process, retail solution or user journey innovation in a multinational operating retail companyExperience in defining use cases based on identified innovations in close cooperation with stakeholders such as retail software partner management and UX designCapability to interact with international retailers and act as retail software domain expert Capability to document innovation and trend coverage based achievable value propositions and benefits for customers and Diebold Nixdorf (e.g. economic or strategic benefits)Capability to document use cases to sync with requirement engineers and to initiate requirement documentation and feature prioritization processSoft SkillsAbility to work with different stakeholders within retail software product management and other key teams such as software operations and maintenance and software salesStrong organizational skills with a good sense of judgement and decisiveness to prioritize what needs to get doneCuriosity and eagerness to analyze indicators for innovations and own creativity to define innovations and new approaches out of the respective analysis’ resultsTake initiative to drive the introduction of relevant innovations into our software portfolio strategy and solution offeringStrong verbal and written communication skills in EnglishStrong presentation skillsProven track record in international environmentWillingness to travelWe offerGreat, supportive teamMentoring and free access to e-learning platformsFlexi-Time & remote workingAs preferred either Employment Contract or B2B cooperationLife and accident insuranceMultisport cardPrivate medical care with family optionMulticultural work environmentInternational assignments and projects
Software Product Manager
Diebold Nixdorf, Katowice, śląskie
Expect more. Connect more. Be more at Diebold Nixdorf. Our teams automate, digitize, and transform the way more than 75 million people around the globe bank and shop in this hyper-connected, consumer-centric world. Join us in connecting people to commerce in this vital, rewarding role.DescriptionIf you like to drive innovations and to inspire people about them, and if you are an expert for retail business processes esp. for Fast Moving Consumer Goods Retail and Slow Moving Consumer Goods Retail, and if you ideally have collected that experience while working at an international or multinational operating retail company we have a perfect job for you as a Software Product Manager for General Retail.In this role you will analyze target retail market segments and capture customer business requirements to identify emerging demands and pain points and translate this into our software portfolio implementing functional and non-functional enhancements in our retail platform software. You will work closely with portfolio owners and requirement engineers as well as with key stakeholders such as UX designers to adjust and enhance our product and product innovation strategies with the clear ambition to ensure our software products’ capabilities to enable retailers for introducing innovative and differentiating consumer and staff journeys. Location: Katowice, flexible work will be consideredResponsibilities Analyze demands and data provided by retailers, analysts and other market participants such as technology players and identify business requirements for further enhancements of our platform software for retail.Implement product strategy and roadmap content in collaboration with retail software product management leadership.Define and document product use cases and drive alignment with other relevant stakeholders such as UX design, requirement engineers or software partner management.Define and plan implementation of release extensions for continuous enhancement of our software products by adding innovative use cases and capabilities.Initiate prototyping where applicable and appropriate in collaboration with UX Design, product development and software partner managementInteract with Diebold Nixdorf key customers for collecting feedback and identify use case enabling innovations and drive continuous improvement of our Retail Software Product Portfolio.Work alongside product management peers and product marketing to drive market readiness and Go-To-Market (GTM).Requirements Retail industry expertise (+5 years expertise)Solid and provable knowledge about retail industry core processes especially for Fast Moving Consumer Goods retail and Slow Moving Consumer Goods retail e.g. Grocery, Department Stores and Specialty retailingIdeally work experience in business process, retail solution or user journey innovation in a multinational operating retail companyExperience in capturing and describing business requirements to translate into use cases in close cooperation with stakeholders such as retail software partner management and UX designAbility to define, scope and plan software releases in close alignment with product management leadership and peers Ability to document use cases to sync with requirement engineers and to initiate requirement documentation and feature prioritization processSoft SkillsAbility to work with different stakeholders within retail software product management and other key teams such as software operations and maintenance and software salesStrong organizational skills with a good sense of judgement and decisiveness to prioritize what needs to get doneStrong verbal and written communication skills in EnglishStrong presentation skillsProven track record in international environmentWillingness to travelWe offerGreat, supportive teamMentoring and free access to e-learning platformsFlexi-Time & remote workingAs preferred either Employment Contract or B2B cooperationLife and accident insuranceMultisport cardPrivate medical care with family optionMulticultural work environmentInternational assignments and projects
Accountant with German (AP/OTC)
Capgemini Polska, Katowice, Kraków, śląskie, małopolskie
Choosing Capgemini means choosing a company where you will be empowered to shape your career in the way you’d like, where you’ll be supported and inspired by a collaborative community of colleagues around the world, and where you’ll be able to reimagine what’s possible. Join us and help the world’s leading organizations unlock the value of technology and build a more sustainable, more inclusive world.Your future tasks:Processing various forms of payments received from customers,Matching incoming payments with the corresponding invoices or accounts receivable entries,Reconciling of cash receipts with bank statements,Entering payment data into the ERP system (SAP),Providing customer service by addressing payment-related inquiries from customers (e.g., Zendesk),Preparing regular reports summarizing cash application activities.Our Requirements:Prior experience in accounts receivable, cash application, financial reconciliation (or relevant),Knowledge of German and English at B2 levels,Understanding of accounting principles,Problem-solving abilities and attention to detail,Student status or bachelor’s degree.What have we prepared for you?A lot of benefits: Private medical care and life insurance with ability to buy additional packages (e.g., dental care, senior care, oncology) on preferential termsAccess to Capgemini Helpline with possibility to chat with therapistsBonuses for recommending your friends to Capgemini.Access to Inspiro app with rich audiobooks databaseAccess to our NAIS benefit platform (40+ options available: Netflix, Spotify, Multisport, cinema tickets, etc.)Personal and professional development: 70+ training tracks with certification opportunities (e.g. MS Azure, AWS, Google) on our NEXT training platformPlatform with free access to Pluralsight, TED Talks, Coursera materials and trainingsFree access to Udemy Business account with ability to use during and outside working hoursTransparent performance management policy.​​​​​​Our legendary atmosphere:We value teamwork and good relationships. We work together, drink coffee together, and form friendships both inside and outside of work.No official dress-code.Various communities: OUTfront, Women@Capgemini, Foreigners Community, and more.Day off for volunteeringAbility to implement world-changing initiatives thanks to our Grant ProgramThe award of "Top Employer Poland 2024" and "Top Employer Europe 2024" - proof of our commitment to creating an exceptional work environment and caring for the development of our employeesWho are we?Being one of us means constant development among other great people. It's a team who you want to spend time with, during and after work. Trainings and initiatives make your daily tasks more interesting, fun, and unique.One of Capgemini Poland’s business units that you can join is Business Services. Created by teams with extraordinary people who provide solutions to our international clients in areas such as HR, Finance & Accounting, Supply Chain or Business Transformation. In Business Services, we speak over 30 languages! We believe that a mix of unique skills and experience is a key to success. That’s why we trust you, and we are ready to get to know your expertise by giving you independence and development possibilities.It's time to #Get the Future You Want!Your life is in your hands, and you have the opportunity to improve it, develop yourself, and simply — join us!Do you want to get to know us better? Watch this short video: Eksperci w biznesie, czyli jak możesz rozwinąć karierę w CapgeminiDo you have any additional questions about working at Capgemini? Check our Instagram — @capgeminipl or visit our Facebook profile — Capgemini Polska. You can also find us on TikTok! — @capgeminipl.At Capgemini, we're proud to be a global leader in working with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology. We are guided everyday by the purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future.We are a responsible and diverse organization, with a strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise. We are trusted by our clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs — from strategy and design to operations. Our actions are fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms. 
Procurement Process Junior Specialist with German
Capgemini Polska, Katowice, Kraków, śląskie, małopolskie
Choosing Capgemini means choosing a company where you will be empowered to shape your career in the way you’d like, where you’ll be supported and inspired by a collaborative community of colleagues around the world, and where you’ll be able to reimagine what’s possible. Join us and help the world’s leading organizations unlock the value of technology and build a more sustainable, more inclusive world.YOUR TASKSIs responsible for first line helpdesk support for stakeholders and suppliers, escalates queries to senior team members if necessary· Is responsible for internal database changesProcesses routine Purchase Requisitions (reviews PRs for compliance, releases completed Purchase Orders for approval)Ensures the daily activities are fulfilled properly and timely in accordance with Desktop Procedures and SLA targetsDemonstrates knowledge of processes and procedures relevant to the function and proactively identifies improvement opportunitiesHandles administrative duties relating to purchases, including tracking orders and ensuring records are kept up to dateYOUR PROFILEGood knowledge of English (B2) and fluent knowledge of German (C1)Be proficient in MS-ExcelStudent status or Bachelor DegreeBe well organized and able to prioritize tasksExperience in procurement department will be an advantageWHAT YOU’LL LOVE ABOUT WORKING HERE?Practical benefits: private medical care with Medicover with additional packages (e.g., dental, senior care, oncology) available on preferential terms, life insurance and 40+ options on our NAIS benefit platform, including Netflix, Spotify or Multisport.Enjoy hybrid working model that fits your life - after completing onboarding, connect work from a modern office with ergonomic work from home thanks to HO package (including laptop, monitor, and chair). Ask your recruiter about the details.Early support thanks to Buddy Programs: learn in the flow of work alongside our experts who collaborate on top-tier solutions for global enterprises, including 145 Fortune 500 companies.Access to over 70 training tracks with certification opportunities (e.g., GenAI, Excel, Business Analysis, Project Management) on our NEXT platform. Dive into a world of knowledge with free access to Education First languages platform, Pluralsight, TED Talks, Coursera and Udemy Business materials and trainings.We don’t require professional experience. You will be working among experts, where willingness to learn new things is supported by a wide range of trainings designed to improve your skills. YOUR DEVELOPMENT PATH:You will start your career from the onboarding plan where you’ll grab the basics. When you gain enough experience, you can get promoted or change your role internally choosing from various job positions in areas such as finance, project management, customer care, IT and much more.  GET TO KNOW USCapgemini is committed to diversity and inclusion, ensuring fairness in all employment practices. We evaluate individuals based on qualifications and performance, not personal characteristics, striving to create a workplace where everyone can succeed and feel valued.Do you want to get to know us better? Check our Instagram — @capgeminipl or visit our Facebook profile — Capgemini Polska. You can also find us on TikTok! — @capgeminipl.ABOUT CAPGEMINICapgemini is a global leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology. The Group is guided everyday by its purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. It is a responsible and diverse organization of over 360,000 team members globally in more than 50 countries. With its strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs, from strategy and design to operations, fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms.  Apply now!
Procurement Process Specialist with German
Capgemini Polska, Katowice, Kraków, śląskie, małopolskie
Choosing Capgemini means choosing a company where you will be empowered to shape your career in the way you’d like, where you’ll be supported and inspired by a collaborative community of colleagues around the world, and where you’ll be able to reimagine what’s possible. Join us and help the world’s leading organizations unlock the value of technology and build a more sustainable, more inclusive world.YOUR TASKSMaintains strong working relationships with vendorsProcesses routine Purchase Requisitions (reviews PRs for compliance, releases completed Purchase Orders for approval)Compares product deliveries with issued purchase orders and contact vendors when there are discrepanciesManages goods/services claimsAmends or closes Purchase OrdersYOUR PROFILEGood knowledge of English (B2) and fluent knowledge of German (C1)Procurement Operations and Procurement Fundamentals - knowledge of procurement processes, policies and proceduresStudent status or Bachelor DegreeStrong attention to details and analytical skillsVery good knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, such as ExcelWHAT YOU’LL LOVE ABOUT WORKING HERE?Practical benefits: private medical care with Medicover with additional packages (e.g., dental, senior care, oncology) available on preferential terms, life insurance and 40+ options on our NAIS benefit platform, including Netflix, Spotify or Multisport.Enjoy hybrid working model that fits your life - after completing onboarding, connect work from a modern office with ergonomic work from home thanks to HO package (including laptop, monitor, and chair). Ask your recruiter about the details.Access to over 70 training tracks with certification opportunities (e.g., GenAI, Excel, Business Analysis, Project Management) on our NEXT platform. Dive into a world of knowledge with free access to Education First languages platform, Pluralsight, TED Talks, Coursera and Udemy Business materials and trainings.Continuous feedback and ongoing performance discussions thanks to our performance management tool GetSuccess supported by a transparent performance management policy.GET TO KNOW USCapgemini is committed to diversity and inclusion, ensuring fairness in all employment practices. We evaluate individuals based on qualifications and performance, not personal characteristics, striving to create a workplace where everyone can succeed and feel valued.Do you want to get to know us better? Check our Instagram — @capgeminipl or visit our Facebook profile — Capgemini Polska. You can also find us on TikTok! — @capgeminipl.ABOUT CAPGEMINICapgemini is a global leader in partnering with companies to transform and manage their business by harnessing the power of technology. The Group is guided everyday by its purpose of unleashing human energy through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. It is a responsible and diverse organization of over 360,000 team members globally in more than 50 countries. With its strong 55-year heritage and deep industry expertise, Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs, from strategy and design to operations, fueled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms. Apply now!