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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Front End Web Developer w Zachodniopomorskie"

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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Front End Web Developer w Zachodniopomorskie"

4 500 zł Średnia miesięczna pensja

Średni poziom płac w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy: "Front End Web Developer w Zachodniopomorskie"

Waluty: PLN USD Rok: 2024
Wykres słupkowy pokazuje zmiany w poziomie przeciętnego wynagrodzenia zawodu Front End Web Developer w Zachodniopomorskie.

Podział miejsc pracy "Front End Web Developer" na obszarach Zachodniopomorskie

Waluty: PLN
Jak widać na wykresie, w Zachodniopomorskie największą ilość wakatów zawodu Front End Web Developer otwarcie w Szczecin. Na drugim miejscu - Koszalin, a na trzecim - Koszaliński.

Polecane oferty pracy

Software .Net Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Szczecin
Responsibilities:Responsibility for features throughout the whole stack.Gather and refine specifications and requirements based on technical needs.Creating new features that directly impact our customers.Planning and performing testing to ensure fit to standards (e.g. security, scalability, etc.).Writing and maintaining software documentation.Stay plugged into emerging technologies/industry trends and apply them into operations and activities.Requirements:Minimum 5 years of experience with .NET (Core 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8) - a must.Very good knowledge with Microsoft SQL Server - Creating DB schema and experience with stored procedures - a must.BSc in software engineering/ computer science/ equivalent- a must.Some experience with front-end development using Angular 6+ (we are currently with Angular 14), using: Redux/NgRx, Typescript coding, SCSS, Bootstrap 4 or 5.Knowledge of AWS cloud services: DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, ElasticSearch, SQS, Kinesis, Athena, DocumentDB, Glue, and EventBridge.Strong understanding of object-oriented programming.Experience with event-driven architecture.Experience in working with microservices, and docker.Experience with SOAP/RESTFull Web ServicesGit Source Control Management.An eagerness for building highly resilient and scalable systems with cutting-edge technology.Self-motivated, autodidact with the ability to work independently and prioritize.Being a team-player is very important for usWe offer:Attractive salaryPermanent employment based on a B2B contractFull training, ongoing support, and the tools you need to grow and develop in your role.Client is a company with a heart and who genuinely values and respects its employees.Permanent remoted work.We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Software .Net Developer
adzuna, zachodniopomorskie
Software .Net DeveloperTeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client is an innovative technology company that has been offering advanced telematics solutions for the automotive industry since 2024. Specializing in providing a connectivity platform for vehicles, it ensures secure, reliable, and continuous internet connection, regardless of device location. In response to the rapidly growing demand for telematics technologies, the company is constantly seeking new talents to join their expert team. Managed by experienced leaders responsible for strategy and development, as well as a technical team ensuring the reliability and safety of services, the company offers employees the opportunity to work on groundbreaking projects in an international environment. If you are passionate about the latest technologies and want to have a real impact on the future of the automotive industry, this is the place for you.Software .Net DeveloperWe offer:Attractive salaryPermanent employment based on a B2B contractFull training, ongoing support, and the tools you need to grow and develop in your role.Client is a company with a heart and who genuinely values and respects its employees.Permanent remoted work.Responsibilities:Responsibility for features throughout the whole stack.Gather and refine specifications and requirements based on technical needs.Creating new features that directly impact our customers.Planning and performing testing to ensure fit to standards (e.g. security, scalability, etc.).Writing and maintaining software documentation.Stay plugged into emerging technologies/industry trends and apply them into operations and activities.Requirements:Minimum 5 years of experience with .NET (Core 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8) - a must.Very good knowledge with Microsoft SQL Server - Creating DB schema and experience with stored procedures - a must.BSc in software engineering/ computer science/ equivalent- a must.Some experience with front-end development using Angular 6+ (we are currently with Angular 14), using: Redux/NgRx, Typescript coding, SCSS, Bootstrap 4 or 5.Knowledge of AWS cloud services: DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, ElasticSearch, SQS, Kinesis, Athena, DocumentDB, Glue, and EventBridge.Strong understanding of object-oriented programming.Experience with event-driven architecture.Experience in working with microservices, and docker.Experience with SOAP/RESTFull Web ServicesGit Source Control Management.An eagerness for building highly resilient and scalable systems with cutting-edge technology.Self-motivated, autodidact with the ability to work independently and prioritize.Being a team-player is very important for usWe kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Frontend Developer (React)
www.TeamQuest.pl, Szczecin
Obowiązki:Opracowywanie i utrzymywanie różnych platform, w tym stron internetowych do interakcji z użytkownikami i tworzenia kursów edukacyjnych.Współpraca z zespołem w celu ulepszania istniejących funkcji i tworzenia nowych funkcjonalności skupionych na zaangażowaniu użytkowników i efektywności uczenia się.Debugowanie i rozwiązywanie problemów w celu szybkiego usuwania błędów, zapewniając stabilność i poprawę wydajności.Dostarczanie wysokiej jakości, dobrze przetestowanego kodu, który przestrzega zasad dostępności i standardów internetowych.Wspieranie ciągłego doskonalenia procesów rozwoju i produkcji.Projektowanie responsywnej strony internetowejWymagania:Minimum 4/5 lat doświadczenia komercyjnegoObszerna znajomość React, npm, Vite, Webpack, Babel oraz przestrzeni roboczych npm.Biegłość w JavaScript i TypeScript, z praktyczną wiedzą na temat frameworków testowych, takich jak Vitest.Umiejętność posługiwania się nowoczesnymi technikami CSS, w tym SCSS, Sass i modułami CSS.Doświadczenie z Radix UI, React Query oraz trybem biblioteki Vite.Wysoce zmotywowany z pasją do tworzenia wpływowych technologii edukacyjnych.Udokumentowane doświadczenie w tworzeniu front-endu z silnym portfelem projektów, które demonstrują umiejętności techniczne i kreatywność.Doskonałe umiejętności rozwiązywania problemów, z możliwością radzenia sobie z wyzwaniami i dostarczania innowacyjnych rozwiązań.Silne zrozumienie wymagań dotyczących dostępności i zaangażowanie w tworzenie aplikacji przyjaznych dla użytkowników.Skuteczny komunikator o biegłej znajomości języka angielskiego, zdolny do współpracy w zespole.Pozytywne, zorientowane na zespół podejście z chęcią dzielenia się wiedzą i nauki od innych.Oferujemy:Wynagrodzenie w dolarach amerykańskich do 30 USD/godzinę, co odpowiada 5040 USD/miesiąc (kwota w PLN jest przybliżona i zależy od kursu wymiany USD).Umowa B2B z amerykańską firmą.Praca zdalna z autonomią.Współpraca z międzynarodowym zespołem w Stanach Zjednoczonych i Polsce.Możliwości rozwoju na platformie edukacyjnej.Elastyczne godziny pracy.Dodatkowe atuty:Miło byłoby mieć: React Native, Python, tryb biblioteki ViteUprzejmie informujemy, że odpowiemy tylko na wybrane aplikacje. TeamQuest został wpisany do rejestru podmiotów prowadzących agencje zatrudnienia przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 11118.
Senior .NET Developer
adzuna, zachodniopomorskie
Senior .NET DeveloperTeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client helps its clients meet the challenges of managing software licenses and computing resources in today's complex and evolving IT environments.Their enterprise clients save significantly on annual software expenses, reduce audit and security risks, and establish more efficient asset management processes. Their customer base includes some of the world's largest enterprise and government networks and IT environments.High-quality data is the foundation of any successful SAM or ITAM program. Cross-platform detection, application recognition and usage analysis of our client's software provide detailed insight. Flexible integration allows you to share and normalize data from other sources to provide a complete picture of ownership and operation.Their clients reduce the risk and resource burden associated with publisher audits by being able to quickly produce effective reports on license positions. They can also optimize license usage by ensuring they are using the most cost-effective configurations. SAM processes – from requisitions to procurement and regeneration – are automated.We are currently looking for an experienced Senior .NET Developer to join their team, who will technologically help them reach a higher level.Senior .NET DeveloperWe offer:Employment based on a B2B contract or employment contractSalary in the amount of PLN 19,000 - 25,000 Net/month (B2B) or PLN 15,700 - 21,000 Gross/month (CoE)Flexible working hoursRemote jobInternal trainingPrivate medical careMultisport cardHolyday packageResponsibilities:Participating in the product life cycle: requirements gathering, solution design, development, testing, implementation and problem solvingImplementation of the latest versions of programming languages and frameworksParticipate in peer discussions about architecture and overall solution directionProposing new solutions and functionalitiesConducting affiliate code reviewsWriting automatic testsRequirements:Experience in designing and building front-end applications (5+ years)Proficiency in MVC FrameworkFamiliarity with EF Core or other data access technologiesExpertise in .NET CoreProficient in programming with JavaScript frameworks and clear JavaScriptProficiency in T-SQL programmingProficiency in asynchronous programmingAbility to analyze business requirementsExperience in improving, refactoring, and rewriting codeFluent in EnglishAdditional advantages:Experience with AngularExperience working with Git repositoriesAwareness of the latest versions of C#Web UI design skills would be advantageousWe kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Software .Net Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Szczecin, zachodnio-pomorskie
Our client is an innovative technology company that has been offering advanced telematics solutions for the automotive industry since 2024. Specializing in providing a connectivity platform for vehicles, it ensures secure, reliable, and continuous internet connection, regardless of device location. In response to the rapidly growing demand for telematics technologies, the company is constantly seeking new talents to join their expert team. Managed by experienced leaders responsible for strategy and development, as well as a technical team ensuring the reliability and safety of services, the company offers employees the opportunity to work on groundbreaking projects in an international environment. If you are passionate about the latest technologies and want to have a real impact on the future of the automotive industry, this is the place for you.Software .Net Developerlocation: Warszawa, Gdańsk, Kraków, Katowice, Poznań, Łódź, Lublin, Białystok, Wrocław, Szczecin Main responsibilities:Responsibility for features throughout the whole stack.Gather and refine specifications and requirements based on technical needs.Creating new features that directly impact our customers.Planning and performing testing to ensure fit to standards (e.g. security, scalability, etc.).Writing and maintaining software documentation.Stay plugged into emerging technologies/industry trends and apply them into operations and activities. Skills / knowledge / experience:Minimum 5 years of experience with .NET (Core 3 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8) - a must.Very good knowledge with Microsoft SQL Server - Creating DB schema and experience with stored procedures - a must.BSc in software engineering/ computer science/ equivalent- a must.Some experience with front-end development using Angular 6+ (we are currently with Angular 14), using: Redux/NgRx, Typescript coding, SCSS, Bootstrap 4 or 5.Knowledge of AWS cloud services: DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, ElasticSearch, SQS, Kinesis, Athena, DocumentDB, Glue, and EventBridge.Strong understanding of object-oriented programming.Experience with event-driven architecture.Experience in working with microservices, and docker.Experience with SOAP/RESTFull Web ServicesGit Source Control Management.An eagerness for building highly resilient and scalable systems with cutting-edge technology.Self-motivated, autodidact with the ability to work independently and prioritize.Being a team-player is very important for us Benefits offered:Attractive salaryPermanent employment based on a B2B contractFull training, ongoing support, and the tools you need to grow and develop in your role.Client is a company with a heart and who genuinely values and respects its employees.Permanent remoted work.1