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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Marketing Associate w Polsce"

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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Marketing Associate w Polsce"

3 355 zł Średnia miesięczna pensja

Średni poziom płac w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy: "Marketing Associate w Polsce"

Waluty: PLN USD Rok: 2024
Wykres słupkowy pokazuje zmiany w poziomie przeciętnego wynagrodzenia zawodu Marketing Associate w Polsce.

Podział miejsc pracy "Marketing Associate" na obszarach Polsce

Waluty: PLN
Jak widać na wykresie, w Polsce największą ilość wakatów zawodu Marketing Associate otwarcie w Małopolskie. Na drugim miejscu - Mazowieckie, a na trzecim - Wielkopolskie.

Polecane oferty pracy

Obsługa sklepu internetowego | Marketing | Social Media W-ek
MLAMP.pl, Włocławek, Kujawsko-pomorskie
Jesteś dokładna/-y , posiadasz zmysł analityczny i lubisz uzupełniać dane?A może komunikacja z innymi nie sprawia Ci problemu , bądź posiadasz zdolność "lekkiego pióra"?Jeśli chcesz pracować w ambitnym zespole w branży ecommerce aplikuj do nas na biuro()mlamp.pl=MLAMP.pl= jesteśmy jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych e-sklepów z branży oświetleniowej i designerskiej w Polsce. Nasz Team tworzą młodzi absolwenci i studenci uczelni wyższych, jak i szkół średnich.Jaki będzie zakres Twoich obowiązków:- tworzenie angażującego contentu i materiałów marketingowych- opracowywanie opisów produktów i zarządzanie ofertą sklepu- obsługa panelu e-sklepu - aktualizacja zamówień i informacji o produktach- aktywny udział w tworzeniu kampanii social media, SEO, SEM i newsletter- stała współpraca z zespołem marketingu, grafiki i sprzedażowymCzego od Ciebie oczekujemy:- komunikatywność, sumienność i zaangażowanie w wykonywanych zadaniach- kreatywności i analitycznego myślenia- znajomość obsługi Excela lub programów graficznych- min. wykształcenie średnie Co będzie Twoim dodatkowym atutem na rekrutacji i w pracy?- doświadczenie w dziale marketingu, social media, graficznym lub obsłudze klienta- doświadczenie w pracy w sklepie internetowym, np. Idosell / Allegro / Amazon lub eBay- znajomość jednego z programów graficznych GIMP/ PS / Canva / Corel / Illustrator- umiejętność "lekkiego pióra"- wykształcenie informatyczneCo dla Ciebie oferujemy:- umowę o pracę na pełen etat po okresie próbnym- pozytywną i przyjazną atmosferę oraz niezależne stanowisko pracy- dostęp do wiedzy z zakresu marketingu i sprzedaży na najwyższym poziomie- znaczne podniesienie kompetencji sprzedażowych i jakości obsługi klienta- wynagrodzenie adekwatne do umiejętności, wkładu w wykonywane zadania i osiąganych wynikówJeśli nie posiadasz doświadczenia pamiętaj że musimy poświęcić czas naszego zespołu żeby wdrożyć Ciebie w zadania i przekazać Ci wiele umiejętności . Jeśli się ich nauczysz i będziesz wykonywał je dobrze po okresie próbnym zaproponujemy Tobie umowę o pracę i stałe miejsce w firmie :-)Prowadząc rekrutację zwracamy uwagę na Twoje chęci do działania i osiągania wyników. Jeśli nie masz doświadczenia wszystkiego Ciebie nauczymy. Praca z nami to przygoda i praktyka w działach sprzedaży i marketingu.Jeśli czujesz, że to oferta dla Ciebie lub chciałbyś nas komuś polecić wyślij zgłoszenie z CV i zdjęciem na email rekrutacja()mlamp.pl z dopiskiem =MARKETING mlamp=Obecnie prowadzimy rekrutację na stanowiska: Obsługa Klienta, Marketing, Informatyk/ Grafik komputerowy oraz Pakowacz w dziale realizacji zamówieńPracujemy pon-pt. w godz. 8-16 w siedzibie firmy we WłocławkuAby przystąpić do procesu rekrutacji prosimy zawrzeć w CV klauzulę o następującej treści:Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celu rekrutacji zgodnie z art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE - ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych.Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do kontaktu z wybranymi Kandydatami
Obsługa sklepu internetowego | Marketing | Social Media
MLAMP.pl, Włocławek, Kujawsko-Pomorskie
Przenieśliśmy Cię na zewnętrzny formularz, z którego korzysta pracodawca do zbierania CV kandydatów. Oferty pracy, które mogą Cię zainteresować: Lektor języka obcego Edoo Online sp. z o.o. sp.k. cała Polska umowa zlecenie praca od zaraz 2 800-8 000 zł / mies. Polecana Popularna Dodana 21 kwietnia obserwuj obserwujesz
Senior Associate, Debt & Capital Advisory, M&A, Financial Advisory
Deloitte, Warszawa
Who we are looking for Deloitte’s Debt & Capital Advisory team is seeking a Senior Associate based in Warsaw to support its growing business in Poland and the Central European region. The successful candidate will join a young, dedicated team engaged in Structured Finance, Project Finance, Leveraged Finance and Alternative Lending space, also with strong focus on renewable energy sources. We are looking for individual who demonstrates the following qualifications and personal attributes: 3+ years of relevant (transactional) experience gained in corporate finance or investment banking industry; Excellent analytical skills (knowledge and previous experience in valuation and modelling will be an advantage); Proven track record of professional services / client facing experience; Completed Master’s degree in Finance or related subjects; Excellent written and verbal communication skills – in Polish and English; Experience or involvement in M&A transactions will be an advantage. Your future role As a Senior Associate in our Debt & Capital Advisory team you will be involved in the process of providing high-quality and independent corporate finance advice on the wide range of complex and strategic financing challenges our clients are facing. Some of your responsibilities will include, among others, the following: Participation in all aspects of debt raising and corporate finance transactions, including strategic analysis, deal preparation, marketing and deal negotiation; Preparing of information packs, management presentations, financial analysis and client communications, industry/company research for both deal origination and transaction analysis; Preparing and/or reviewing comprehensive financial models in connection with origination of financing structures. What we offer Competitive salary and attractive bonus scheme;Rapid knowledge development thanks to on-the-job trainings related to the area of expertise;Support of the company in gaining additional professional qualifications (ACCA, CFA) and development of skills through a series of Polish and foreign trainings;Continuous professional grow and clear career path;Benefits such as: medical insurance, sports card, participation in various employees sport teams and activities;Free access to: the gym (Calypso Q22), our network of free bicycles and many more;Friendly work atmosphere and integration activities within young and highly success-oriented team. About the team Debt & Capital Advisory team is an integral part of Deloitte's Financial Advisory Services practice, providing independent advice and execution on debt market opportunities and conditions, advising on: structuring of new debt issues and refinancing in the bank and debt capital markets, restructuring of under-performing companies (in terms of the capital structures), structuring of acquisition finance for corporates and leveraged buyouts; project finance advisory (including PPP advisory), and asset-based financing. The team works with a full suite of Clients from global entities to mid-market and smaller private companies. As a team we also capitalize on knowledge and experience in ESG and New Energy (Renewable Energy) areas within Deloitte.   Our work typically requires advice on: Evaluating business plans for robustness and sensitivity, Capital structure analysis, Financial modelling and debt capacity analysis, Assessing financing products and markets, Managing ongoing relationships with potential funders, Organizing and managing funding competitions, Preparing management presentations and information memoranda, Assessing financing offers and negotiating terms and conditions, Supporting the Client in execution of the debt transactions. #LI-AD1
Associate, Infrastructure & Capital Projects, M&A, Financial Advisory
Deloitte, Warszawa
Who we are looking for Deloitte’s Infrastructure & Capital Projects team is seeking an Associate based in Warsaw to support its growing business in Poland and the Central European region. The successful candidate will join a dedicated team focused on Debt, Structured Finance, Project Finance, Leverage Finance and Alternative Lending space.We are looking for individual who demonstrates the following qualifications and personal attributes:1-2 years of relevant (transactional) experience gained within the corporate and/or investment banking industry;Excellent analytical skills with and advanced knowledge of financial modelling;Completed Master’s degree in Finance or related subjects;Excellent written and verbal communication skills – in Polish and English;Experience or involvement in financing or/and M&A transactions in regulated sectors will be an advantage. Your future role As an Associate in our Infrastructure & Capital Projects team you will provide high-quality and independent corporate finance advice on the wide range of complex and strategic financing challenges our clients are facing.Some of your responsibilities will include, among others, the following:Participation in all aspects of debt raising and corporate finance transactions, including strategic analysis, deal preparation, marketing and deal negotiation;Developing and reviewing comprehensive financial models;Preparing of information packs, management presentations, financial analysis and client communications, industry/company research for both deal origination and transaction analysis. What we offer Competitive salary and social package;Rapid knowledge development thanks to on-the-job trainings related to the area of expertise;Support of the company in gaining additional professional qualifications (ACCA, CFA) and development of skills through a series of Polish and foreign trainings;Continuous professional grow and clear career path;Benefits such as: medical insurance, sports card, participation in various employees sport teams and activities;Free access to: the gym (Calypso Q22), our network of free bicycles and many more;Friendly work atmosphere and integration activities.  About the team The Infrastructure & Capital Projects team is an integral part of Deloitte's Financial Advisory Services practice, providing independent advice and execution on debt market opportunities and conditions, advising on: structuring of new debt issues and refinancing in the bank and debt capital markets, restructuring of under-performing companies (in terms of the capital structures), structuring of acquisition finance for corporates and leveraged buyouts; project finance advisory (including PPP advisory), and asset-based financing. The team works with a full suite of Clients from global entities to mid-market and smaller private companies.Our work typically requires advice on:Evaluating business plans for robustness and sensitivity;Capital structure analysis;Financial modelling and debt capacity analysis;Assessing financing products and markets;Managing ongoing relationships with potential funders;Organizing and managing funding competitions;Preparing management presentations and information memoranda;Assessing financing offers and negotiating terms and conditions;Supporting the Client in execution of the debt transactions. #LI-AD1
Associate, Debt & Capital Advisory, M&A, Financial Advisory
Deloitte, Warszawa
Who we are looking for Deloitte’s Debt & Capital Advisory team is seeking an Associate based in Warsaw to support its growing business in Poland and the Central European region. The successful candidate will join a young, dedicated team engaged in Structured Finance, Project Finance, Leveraged Finance and Alternative Lending space, also with focus on renewable energy sources.We are looking for individual who demonstrates the following qualifications and personal attributes: +1 year of relevant experience gained in corporate finance, banking or investment banking industry (transactional experience will be an advantage),Excellent analytical skills with focus on PowerPoint skills,Completed master’s degree in finance or related subjects,Excellent written and verbal communication skills – in Polish and English (English on advanced level given an international clients’ base),Experience or involvement in M&A transactions or financial modeling will be an additional advantage. Your future role As an Associate in our Debt & Capital Advisory team you will be involved in the process of providing high-quality and independent corporate finance advice on the wide range of complex and strategic financing challenges our clients are facing.  Some of your responsibilities will include, among others, the following: Participation in all aspects of debt raising and corporate finance transactions from first contact till closing of transaction,Main duties include strategic analysis and structuring, marketing material preparation, preparing of information packs (including teaser and investment memorandum), financial analysis, industry/company research for both deal origination and transaction analysis,Involvement in communication with clients and lenders. What we offer Competitive salary and attractive bonus scheme, Rapid knowledge development thanks to on-the-job trainings related to the area of expertise, Support of the company in gaining additional professional qualifications (ACCA, CFA) and development of skills through a series of Polish and foreign trainings, Continuous professional grow and clear career path, Benefits such as: medical insurance, sports card, participation in various employees sport teams and activities, Free access to: the gym (Calypso Q22), our network of free bicycles and many more, Friendly work atmosphere and integration activities within young and highly success-oriented team. About the team Debt & Capital Advisory team is an integral part of Deloitte's Financial Advisory Services practice, providing independent advice and execution on debt market opportunities and conditions, advising on: structuring of new debt issues and refinancing in the bank and debt capital markets, restructuring of under-performing companies (in terms of the capital structures), structuring of acquisition finance for corporates and leveraged buyouts; project finance advisory (including PPP advisory), and asset-based financing. The team works with a full suite of Clients from global entities to mid-market and smaller private companies. As a team we also capitalize on knowledge and experience in ESG and New Energy (Renewable Energy) areas within Deloitte.   Our work typically requires advice on: Evaluating business plans for robustness and sensitivity, Capital structure analysis, Financial modelling and debt capacity analysis, Assessing financing products and markets, Managing ongoing relationships with potential funders, Organizing and managing funding competitions, Preparing management presentations and information memoranda, Assessing financing offers and negotiating terms and conditions, Supporting the Client in execution of the debt transactions. #LI-AD1
Associate Regulatory Specialist
ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o., Opolska Kraków
Manpower (Agencja zatrudnienia nr 412) to globalna firma o ponad 70-letnim doświadczeniu, działająca w 82 krajach. Na polskim rynku jesteśmy od 2001 roku i obecnie posiadamy prawie 35 oddziałów w całym kraju. Naszym celem jest otwieranie przed kandydatami nowych możliwości, pomoc w znalezieniu pracy odpowiadającej ich kwalifikacjom i doświadczeniu. Skontaktuj się z nami - to nic nie kosztuje, możesz za to zyskać profesjonalne doradztwo i wymarzoną pracę!Dla jednego z naszych klientów - międzynarodowej firmy z oddziałem w Krakowie, poszukujemy osób na stanowisko: Associate Regulatory Specialist.Oferta:• Nowe, konkurencyjne stawki - nawet do 4000-5000 zł brutto• Stabilne zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę tymczasową na pełny etat (początkowo na 6 miesięcy)• Praca od zaraz oraz sprawna, bezstresowa rekrutacja• Ciekawa praca w firmie, która dba o rozwój zawodowy swoich pracowników• Możliwość związania się z firmą w dłuższej perspektywie czasowej• Szkolenie na miejscu dające możliwość uczenia się, rozwoju i kształtowania Twojej kariery• Prywatna opieka medyczna dla Ciebie i Twojej rodziny, karta Multisport• Dotacja na lunch dla naszej stołówki na miejscu• Imprezy towarzyskie - imprezy rodzinne, aukcje charytatywne• Wygodne środowisko pracy (biblioteka, strefa relaksu, swobodny ubiór, oczyszczacze powietrza)Wymagania:• Licencjat lub tytuł magistra chemii, nauk biologicznych, biotechnologii, technologii żywności, toksykologii, higieny przemysłowej, nauk o środowisku lub podobnych• Dodatkowym atutem będzie +1 rok doświadczenia w regulacjach, przemyśle lub na uniwersytecie• Bardzo pożądane jest ogólne zrozumienie wymagań dotyczących informowania o zagrożeniach i przepisów UE (CLP, REACH) wraz z doświadczeniem w przeglądzie, czytaniu i zrozumieniu kart charakterystyki oraz doświadczeniem w systemie SAP• Biegła znajomość języka angielskiego• Gracz zespołowy z silnymi umiejętnościami interpersonalnymi• Motywacja i doskonała dbałość o szczegóły• Doświadczenie z aplikacjami MS OfficeZadania:• Współpraca z działem marketingu, badań i rozwoju oraz regulacji w celu ustalenia priorytetów działań• Współpraca z kolegami z organów regulacyjnych w celu opracowania strategii regulacyjnej, która spełnia potrzeby projektu• Współpraca z wyznaczonymi partnerami biznesowymi w celu przeglądu i komunikowania skutków biznesowych zmian• Samodzielne przygotowanie Karty Charakterystyki• Praca w systemach SAP Nr ref.: ARS/003/MKOPraca tymczasowa
Senior Specialist (Trilingual speaker), Marketing Services, Data and Services
MasterCard, Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Our Purpose We work to connect and power an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere by making transactions safe, simple, smart and accessible. Using secure data and networks, partnerships and passion, our innovations and solutions help individuals, financial institutions, governments and businesses realize their greatest potential. Our decency quotient, or DQ, drives our culture and everything we do inside and outside of our company. We cultivate a culture of inclusion for all employees that respects their individual strengths, views, and experiences. We believe that our differences enable us to be a better team - one that makes better decisions, drives innovation and delivers better business results.Title and Summary Senior Specialist (Trilingual speaker), Marketing Services, Data and Services Associate Managing Consultant (Trilingual speaker), Advisors - MarketingAdvisors Client Services, Data & ServicesMastercard Data & Services provides cutting-edge data analysis and services to Fortune 500s, governments, and nonprofits to make multimillion-dollar business decisions and grow their organizations. Our Advisors Client Services team combines traditional management consulting with Mastercard's rich data assets, proprietary platforms, and technologies to provide clients with powerful strategic insights and recommendations. Mastercard Advisors works with a diverse global customer base across industries, from banking and payments to retail and restaurants.The Advisors Client Services group has five specializations: Strategy & Transformation, Performance Analytics, Business Experimentation, Marketing, and Program Management. Our Marketing consultants lead the strategy development and implementation of campaigns and engagements for clients. They use customer data to provide deep direct marketing expertise across channels, evaluating campaign results and adapting the approach to optimize marketing performance.Positions for different specializations and levels are available in separate job postings. Please review our consulting specializations to learn more about all opportunities and apply for the position that is best suited to your background and experience.Roles and ResponsibilitiesClient Impact Manage deliverable development and multiple workstreams on projects across a range of industries and problem statements Contribute to the development of marketing strategies and campaigns for large regional and global clients by working with technology and data Manage working relationship with client managers, and act as trusted and reliable partner Team Collaboration & Culture Develop sound business recommendations and deliver effective client presentations Plan, organize, and structure own work and that of junior project delivery consultants to generate marketing strategies and insights, and prepare presentations Lead team and external meetings, and lead or co-lead project management Collaborate with internal Mastercard stakeholders including Product and Business Development to build the firm's intellectual capital and solution development Grow from coaching to enable ownership of day-to-day project management across client projects, and mentor junior consultantsQualificationsBasic qualifications Undergraduate degree with work experience in marketing and campaign projects focused on one or more of the following fields: marketing content, digital and social media campaigns, digital customer experience, digital marketing, end-to-end product launch, ad-tech and martech ecosystems, offline marketing activities/campaigns, media management and planning, direct response marketing Experience managing tasks or workstreams in a collaborative team environment with third parties Experience managing clients or internal stakeholders, and vendors Advanced Word, Excel, and PowerPoint skills Ability to perform multiple tasks with multiple clients in a fast-paced, deadline- driven environment Ability to communicate effectively in Polish, English, German and/or other language Eligibility to work in the country where you are applying, as well as apply for travel visas as required by travel needsPreferred qualifications Additional marketing experience in one or more of the following fields: marketing and campaign experience from agency environment, search engine optimization and search engine marketing, video making (eg, scripting, storyboard, and content), marketing content, usability labs and experience research, print production management Global supply chain management (GSM), including sourcing new suppliers and assessing third party production vendors Experience with data visualization tools (eg, Tableau, Power BI) Experience developing and implementing solutions and measuring impact on clients' business Experience managing tasks or workstreams in a collaborative team environment with third parties Experience coaching junior delivery consultants Relevant industry expertise and/or experience in product, sales, or marketing technology MBA or master's degree with specialization in marketing or digital (not required)Our PurposeWe work to connect and power an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere by making transactions safe, simple, smart, and accessible. Using secure data and networks, partnerships and passion, our innovations and solutions help individuals, financial institutions, governments, and businesses realize their greatest potential. Our decency quotient, or DQ, drives our culture and everything we do inside and outside of our company. We cultivate a culture of inclusion for all employees that respects their individual strengths, views, and experiences. We believe that our differences enable us to be a better team - one that makes better decisions, drives innovation, and delivers better business results.Corporate Security ResponsibilityAll activities involving access to Mastercard assets, information, and networks comes with an inherent risk to the organization and therefore, it is expected that every person working for, or on behalf of, Mastercard is responsible for information security and must:Abide by Mastercard's security policies and practices;Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the information being accessed;Report any suspected information security violation or breach, andComplete all periodic mandatory security trainings in accordance with Mastercard's guidelines.
Associate Digital Specialist
Haleon, Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Hello. We're Haleon. A new world-leading consumer health company. Shaped by all who join us. Together, we're improving everyday health for billions of people. By growing and innovating our global portfolio of category-leading brands - including Sensodyne, Panadol, Advil, Voltaren, Theraflu, Otrivin, and Centrum - through a unique combination of deep human understanding and trusted science. What's more, we're achieving it in a company that we're in control of. In an environment that we're co-creating. And a culture that's uniquely ours. Care to join us. It isn't a question. With category leading brands such as Sensodyne, Voltaren and Centrum, built on trusted science and human understanding, and combined with our passion, knowledge and expertise, we're uniquely placed to do this and to grow a strong, successful business. This is an exciting time to join us and help shape the future. It's an opportunity to be part of something special. Associate Digital Specialist Role overview We are seeking a highly motivated and organized CEE Associate Digital Specialist to join our team. You will play a crucial role in supporting our brand's visibility across owned and paid media, ensuring the successful delivery of creative projects, and contributing to the growth of our business. This is an excellent opportunity for an ambitious individual looking to kickstart their career in account management and project management role within a digital environment. Key responsibilities General Assignments:Assist in building and maintaining strong relationships with creative and production agency.Act as a liaison between agency and internal teams, ensuring clear communication and understanding of creative needs.Project Coordination:Collaborate with creative and production teams to ensure the timely and successful delivery of projects.Track project timelines, budgets, and deliverables to meet brand teams expectations.Creative Briefing and Feedback:Work closely with agency to understand their creative needs and objectives.Effectively communicate feedback to internal and agency teams, providing clear and actionable direction.Market Research:Stay informed about industry trends, competitors, and market changes.Contribute insights to support the development of creative strategies and campaigns. W hy you? Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Business, Communications, or related field.Previous internship or entry-level experience of 1-2 years in account management or related roles.Strong communication and interpersonal skills.Excellent organizational and time-management abilities.Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.Basic understanding of creative processes and marketing communication principles. The role can be based in one of the locations: Warsaw Poland, Czech Prague, Budapest Hungary. Care to join us. Find out what life at Haleon is really like www.haleon.com/careers/ At Haleon we embrace our diverse workforce by creating an inclusive environment that celebrates our unique perspectives, generates curiosity to create unmatched understanding of each other, and promotes fair and equitable outcomes for everyone. We're striving to create a climate where we celebrate our diversity in all forms by treating each other with respect, listening to different viewpoints, supporting our communities, and creating a workplace where your authentic self belongs and thrives. We believe in an agile working culture for all our roles. If flexibility is important to you, we encourage you to explore with our hiring team what the opportunities are. As you apply, we will ask you to share some personal information, which is entirely voluntary. We want to have an opportunity to consider a diverse pool of qualified candidates and this information will assist us in meeting that objective and in understanding how well we are doing against our inclusion and diversity ambitions. We would really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete it. Rest assured, Hiring Managers do not have access to this information and we will treat your information confidentially. Care to join us. Find out what life at Haleon is really like www.haleon.com/careers/ At Haleon we embrace our diverse workforce by creating an inclusive environment that celebrates our unique perspectives, generates curiosity to create unmatched understanding of each other, and promotes fair and equitable outcomes for everyone. We're striving to create a climate where we celebrate our diversity in all forms by treating each other with respect, listening to different viewpoints, supporting our communities, and creating a workplace where your authentic self belongs and thrives. We believe in an agile working culture for all our roles. If flexibility is important to you, we encourage you to explore with our hiring team what the opportunities are. As you apply, we will ask you to share some personal information, which is entirely voluntary. We want to have an opportunity to consider a diverse pool of qualified candidates and this information will assist us in meeting that objective and in understanding how well we are doing against our inclusion and diversity ambitions. We would really appreciate it if you could take a few moments to complete it. Rest assured, Hiring Managers do not have access to this information and we will treat your information confidentially. Haleon is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, age, disability, genetic information, military service, covered/protected veteran status or any other federal, state or local protected class. Please note that if you are a US Licensed Healthcare Professional or Healthcare Professional as defined by the laws of the state issuing your license, Haleon may be required to capture and report expenses Haleon incurs, on your behalf, in the event you are afforded an interview for employment. This capture of applicable transfers of value is necessary to ensure Haleon's compliance to all federal and state US Transparency requirements.
PR Influencer Marketing Associate
Michael Page International (Poland) Sp. z o.o., Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Zakres obowiązków Building a strong network of local influencers and celebrities within the Polish network that can work across top FMCG brands. Creating guest lists for local brand event with local brand teams, attending the events and managing influencers, briefing them on content creation guidelines and networking with them. Develop a strong understanding of the different FMCG brands in the Polish market to be able to suggest the right influencers for the right kind of brands and events, while developing a keen understanding of what makes each brand unique. Identify, procure and manage creators, vendor and agency relations in relevant markets, including business contracts with creators, vendor and agency if needed. Develop cross-platform competencies, suggesting the optimal existing channels and identifying new channels for digital content distribution in relevant markets. Work with the team in India to create and present plans and campaign ideas to local teams, content creators and clients. Conceptualize, plan and execute original & branded content, check in the progress with creators, set proper KPI, ensuring a high standard of content production throughout. Maximize brand value across content formats while operating with the creator-first model ensuring authenticity of messaging and relevance for the creator audience. Understanding of video production and creator's handling, working budgets, coordinating shoots and delivering multiple formats and working with production partners across markets. Wymagania 2-3 years of experience in the PR and digital content and management/influencer marketing/media space in Poland, having worked with influencers & celebrities locally. Ability to build strong relationships with clients, influencers, creators, event partners and production agencies. Strong interpersonal, creative, presentation, influencing, facilitation, organizational, prioritization, decision making, multi tasking skills. Deadline-oriented, inquisitive, with great follow-up and reporting skills. Ability to think both creatively and strategically. Quick and enthusiastic learner. An independent, motivated and driven individual. You are on top of digital content trends and love consuming content and discovering new creators and platforms. Are proficient in speaking and writing English, Polish and are comfortable working across teams from different cultural backgrounds. You have the capability of securing the proposed creators at the planning stage. Creator and vendor negotiations. You are comfortable traveling on work and working from different time zones for 5-10% of the time. You have a mid-level knowledge of video production. Oferujemy We build opportunities for our artists, brands and fans; and it's important for us to be reliable and efficient. We demonstrate honesty, excellence and commitment to success. 'It's not my job' is not part of our vocabulary, we even stuff envelopes. We make mistakes, but only to learn from them to build resilience. We take care of ourselves and our colleagues. We are our own managers. We are committed to equality and inclusion. We are mindful of the strain on the Earth's resources and are committed to reversing the trend with our behaviors where possible. Role Location: Warsaw. Working Days: Monday to Friday (with participation after hours on weekdays or on weekends for events and shoots as and when required).
Specjalista ds. social media i video marketingu
Polska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości, Katowice, śląskie
Cześć! Do naszego zespołu w centrum Katowic, poszukujemy nowych osób, z którymi wspólnie będziemy mogli tworzyć największe wydarzenia w kraju i za granicą. Zajmujemy się organizacją konferencji, spotkań biznesowych oraz kongresów gospodarczych.Jesteś fanem muzyki? Świetnie się składa – u nas będziesz odpowiedzialny za współpracę z finalistami takich programów jak: Mam talent czy The Voice of Poland, a gwiazdy pokroju Krystiana Ochmana, Ani Dąbrowskiej czy Łukasza ‘Mrozu” Mróz będą na liście twoich ulubionych kontaktów.Interesujesz się obecnymi trendami modowymi? Podczas swojej pracy nie tylko poznasz takie gwiazdy jak: Łukasz Jemioł, Magdalena Pieczonka, Anna Kamińska, Joanna Przetakiewicz, Ewa Chodakowska, ale będziesz odpowiedzialny za promocję ich marki i przedsiębiorstwa oraz budowanie relacji.Chcesz budować swoją karierę a przy okazji nawiązać niezapomniane relacje i przeżyć historie, o których nie wstanie opowiedzieć swoim najbliższym znajomym? To właśnie na Ciebie czekamy!Twoje zadania to:Prowadzenie oraz opracowanie koncepcji profili w mediach społecznościowych zgodnie z przyjętą strategią dla firmy : Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTokTworzenie treści marketingowych dla mediów społecznościowych reklam, artykułów, newsletterów.Samodzielne tworzenie i edytowanie materiałów graficznych oraz video.Montaż spotów autopromocyjnych na potrzeby kanału telewizyjnego.Dbałość o najwyższą jakość montowanych materiałów.Montaż krótkich materiałów wideo na potrzeby promocji pozaantenowej (np. social media).Nasze dotychczasowe projekty to m.in.:V Made in Poland https://youtu.be/ExAkMgv-Gaw?feature=sharedX Polski Kongres Przedsiębiorczości https://youtu.be/5LOvGhMZCpM?feature=shared Co oferujemy:NOWOCZESNE STUDIO NAGRAŃ do przeprowadzania wywiadów Przejrzyste warunki zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę, umowa zlecenie – warunki dostosowane do twoich potrzebAtrakcyjny SYSTEM WYNAGRODZENIA: pensję podstawową oraz bardzo wysokie prowizje sprzedażowe bez górnego limituPrzejrzysta ścieżka awansu w strukturach firmy i zespołuIntegracje zespołowe i firmoweWspólne wyjazdy krajowe i zagraniczneNiezapomniane doświadczeniaMożliwość poznania na żywo największych gwiazd i znanych osób ze świata showbiznesuBiuro w centrum Katowic Własne biurko, telefon służbowy i laptopDostęp do kuchni, ekspresu do kawy itp. słodyczy Wynagrodzenie zawsze na czasProfesjonalne SZKOLENIA produktowe oraz COACHING sprzedażowy w teorii i praktyceZdobycie doświadczenia w firmie o ugruntowanej pozycji na rynku - ponad 12 lat