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Polecane oferty pracy

Senior PHP Developer (Symfony)
www.TeamQuest.pl, Lublin
Obowiązki:Rozwijanie autorskiej platformy klienta- implementacja nowych funkcjonalnościUdział w spotkaniach zespołu (scrum)Tworzenie dokumentacji technicznejWymagania:Umiejętności pracy w zespole. Absolutna podstawa. Szukamy wyłącznie team playerówPraktycznej znajomości zasad programowania obiektowego i wzorców projektowychPHP, SQL (min. 5 lat)Symfony (min. 2 lata)Dobra znajomość Rest API, CI/CD (np. Jenkins)Znajomość testów jednostkowych i integracyjnychPraktyczna znajomość wzorca DDDDDD i CQRS (min. 2 lata doświadczenia)ZMinimum rok doświadczenia z rozwiązaniami cloud'owymiOferujemy:Zatrudnienie w oparciu o umowę o pracę (prawa autorskie do 70%) wynagrodzeniaRoczny system premiowy (wysokość jednej miesięcznej pensji)Budżet szkoleniowyOpiekę medycznąKartę sportowąElastyczne godziny pracyPraca 100% zdalna lub hybrydowo w warszawskim biurzeDodatkowe atuty:NoSQLEvent SourcingAWSDodatkowo:Rozwijamy i utrzymujemy naszą autorską platformę FinTech (wymiana walut, płatności, banking dla firm)Architektura platformy jest rozproszona i składa się z kilku większych i mniejszych serwisów oraz bibliotekStack technologiczny: PHP, Symfony, PHPunit, Behaty, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, RabbitMQ, SQS, AWSCI/CD: GitHub, Jenkins, Kubernetes, CodeCov, CS Fixer, PHP StanMetodyki IT: EventSourcing, DDD, CQRS, TDDMetodyki pracy: Scrum, Kanban, Event storming, Code review, Pair programmingProces rekrutacyjny składa się z:1. Rozmowa HR-techniczna (ok. 50 min)2. zadanie (1-2 h)Uprzejmie informujemy, że odpowiemy tylko na wybrane aplikacje. TeamQuest został wpisany do rejestru podmiotów prowadzących agencje zatrudnienia przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Lublin
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Senior Developer React Native
www.TeamQuest.pl, Lublin
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance/accounting - company on the phone).building applications in an attractive way for users, understanding the company's business goals.diagnosing and fixing errors and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels native.maintaining code and assisting in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close collaboration with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills/task allocation to team members/receiving work are required.leading in a development project.Requirements:minimum 4-5 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of the English languagesolid understanding of JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native building tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST API, request document model, and offline storageability to work with less experienced programmers, being a technical leaderability to understand business needs and appropriately translate those needs and expectations into application functionalityknowledge of the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem-solving skills, ability to troubleshootability to work with clientskeeping up with the latest mobile application practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with native languages on mobile devices (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Senior Developer React Native
adzuna, lubelskie
Senior Developer React NativeTeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client is a dynamically growing finance company that has been providing comprehensive technical and accounting support services to entrepreneurs The company offers access to a wide range of services, including company formation, accounting services, tax and legal advice, as well as a modern invoicing system. Thanks to a personalized approach to each client, the company enables quick and efficient business finance management, while also offering the assistance of experienced accountants, tax specialists, and advisors. We are looking for talented candidates who want to join our team of experts and support entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. If you are ready for challenges and want to develop your skills in a friendly atmosphere, this is the place for you.Senior Developer React NativeWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryResponsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance/accounting - company on the phone).building applications in an attractive way for users, understanding the company's business goals.diagnosing and fixing errors and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels native.maintaining code and assisting in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close collaboration with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills/task allocation to team members/receiving work are required.leading in a development project.Requirements:minimum 4-5 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of the English languagesolid understanding of JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native building tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST API, request document model, and offline storageability to work with less experienced programmers, being a technical leaderability to understand business needs and appropriately translate those needs and expectations into application functionalityknowledge of the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem-solving skills, ability to troubleshootability to work with clientskeeping up with the latest mobile application practicesAdditional advantages:experience with native languages on mobile devices (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Full Stack Developer
Agencja pracy GoWork.pl, Lublin, lubelskie
Jako agencja pracy GoWork.pl świadczymy usługi na rynku pracy z myślą o ludziach i ich rozwoju zawodowym. Wychodzimy naprzeciw oczekiwaniom osób zainteresowanych pracą i oferujemy im zatrudnienie. Obecnie reprezentujemy Klienta, który wraz z dynamicznym rozwojem swojej działalności szuka osób na stanowisko Full Stack DeveloperTwoje zadania:Projektowanie oraz implementacja rozwiązańTestowanie rozwiązań oraz dbałość o najwyższą jakość koduWspółpraca z międzynarodowym zespołem developerów, testerów czy architektówIntegracja z technologiami Business Intelligence oraz systemami klienta za pomocą REST APITwoje umiejętności:Minimum 3-letnie doświadczenie w tworzeniu aplikacji webowych Praktyczna znajomość: PHP 5 & 7 oraz mile widziany framework Yii2Praktyczna znajomość frameworków: Angular 2+ lub ReactZnajomość takich technologii jak Redux, MaterialUi, WebPackZnajomość języka angielskiego umożliwiająca swobodną komunikację (B2)Oferujemy:Elastyczny czas pracyMożliwość pracy zdalnejAtrakcyjne wynagrodzenieSystem premiowyPracę w młodym i dynamicznym zespole
Senior Fullstack Developer (Java + Angular 2+)
SCALO Sp. z o.o., Lublin, lubelskie
Cześć!Cieszymy się, że czytasz nasze ogłoszenie!Szukasz dla siebie czegoś nowego? Dobrze się składa - mamy o czym rozmawiać!Sprawdź, co czeka Cię w Scalo: dołączysz do międzynarodowego zespołu, który zajmuje się tworzeniem oprogramowania do obsługi dronów, analizy danych i tworzenia cyfrowych twins"ów. Platforma pozwala użytkownikom na interakcję z zasobami poprzez modele 3D, zdjęcia i mapy oraz docelowo odpowiada za dostarczanie wniosków opartych na rozwiązaniach AI, stos technologiczny: Java 11, Spring Boot, Python, AWS, k8s, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Angular 14, CesiumJS, współpraca z interdyscyplinarnym zespołem nad rozwojem innowacyjnych funkcji oprogramowania od początku do wprowadzenia na rynek w dynamicznym środowisku, tworzenie innowacyjnych funkcji, począwszy od algorytmów podstawowych po intuicyjne interfejsy użytkownika, rozwój i wpływ na tworzenie innowacyjnego rozwiązania, które łączy świat fizyczny z cyfrowym, stawka 150-180 zł/h przy B2B w zależności od doświadczenia.Dobrze odnajdziesz się w naszym zespole, jeśli: posiadasz m.in. 8-letnie doświadczenie związane z wytwarzaniem oprogramowania (Java, Angular), tworzeniem stron internetowych, architektury, projektowania, testowania, debugowania i znajomości dobrych praktyk w IT, jesteś graczem zespołowym - szukamy do zespołu developerów otwartych na współpracę i posiadających umiejętności przekazywania swojej wiedzy, realizowałeś/aś projekty w technologiach frontendowych frameworków internetowych, takich jak Angular 9+ lub podobne, znasz JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML i RxJs, masz doświadczenie w pracy przy backend w Java (8-11+), Spring Boot, uczestniczyłeś/aś w projektach z technologiami m.in. AWS lub inny dostawca chmury, Docker, k8s, MongoDB lub podobne, Elasticsearch, masz przynajmniej podstawowe doświadczenie w Pythonie, który wykorzystywany jest do REST API, mile widziana znajomość/doświadczenie w wizualizacji (np. WebGL, three.js, Cesium, Google Maps i GIS.), UX/UI, posiadasz znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie min. B2+.Co możesz zyskać? długofalową współpracę - różnorodne projekty (działamy w ramach Software Services, Embedded Services, Data Services, Cloud Services), możliwość rozwoju kompetencji we współpracy z naszym Center of Excellence, dostęp do technologicznych platform e-learningowych - Udemy, Pluralsight, kursy języka angielskiego - biznesowego lub angielskiego w IT, kafeteryjny system benefitów - Motivizer, prywatną opiekę medyczną - Luxmed, możliwość wystąpień na naszych autorskich eventach IT- ProMEET.Prześlij CV i porozmawiajmy!
Senior PHP Laravel Developer (e-commerce)
www.TeamQuest.pl, Lublin
Responsibilities:designing, writing, testing, implementing, and maintaining a B2B e-commerce system based on the functionality of the currently operating system, with responsiveness on mobile devicesintegration with an internal ERP system involving the transfer of information contained in incoming ordersintegration with a PIM system for product data, including information on product availability in own warehouses and supplier warehousescollaboration with key individuals in the organization (Chief Operating Officer and Director of Logistics, system administrator)collaboration with an assistant who has a thorough understanding of the system being createdRequirements:very good knowledge of PHP 8, Laravel framework, Linux, Apache, JQuery, Ajax, HTML5, JS, CSSexperience (backed by successes) in independent work on creating e-commerce systemsvery good understanding of object-oriented programming principles, design patterns,knowledge of relational databases,experience in web services and integration using Rest API,ability to write unit tests and integration tests,proficiency in using GIT version control systembasic knowledge of server-side and network layer issues in web applications,ability to communicate in English at a communicative level,resourcefulness and independence in actionanalytical thinking skills, creativity,responsibility for the project being implementedability to work within specified project timeframesknowledge of web application security issuesknowledge of CI/CD conceptsknowledge of cloudflareWe offer:attractive salaryworking on interesting projectpossibility of full remote workAdditional advantages:knowledge of PIM toolsexperience in the field of AI (supporting search, order generation, processing potential customer databases, programming support)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Senior PHP Developer (Symfony)
adzuna, lubelskie
Senior PHP Developer (Symfony)TeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client is a rapidly growing company specializing in innovative solutions for international payments and foreign exchange. With advanced financial technology, it offers personalized treasury management, digital payments, and transaction cost optimization services for companies worldwide. Headquartered in London, with offices in Dubai, Amersham, and Warsaw, the company enjoys global market recognition. Since its establishment in 2005, it has successfully supported corporate and private clients, providing solutions tailored to their unique needs. Promoting values such as simplicity, flexibility, and transparency, our client prioritizes an open and supportive work culture that fosters professional and personal development. It is currently looking for talented professionals to join its team, offering development opportunities in various fields such as Compliance, Corporate Services, Finance, and many others. Join a company that has a real impact on shaping the future of digital payments and foreign exchange worldwide.Senior PHP Developer (Symfony)We offer:Intellectual property rights to 70% of the remunerationYearly bonus systemTraining budgetMedical careSports cardResponsibilities:Development of the company's proprietary platform - implementing new functionalitiesParticipation in team meetings (Scrum)Creating technical documentationAdditionally:We develop and maintain our proprietary FinTech platform (currency exchange, payments, banking for businesses).The platform architecture is distributed and consists of several larger and smaller services and libraries.Technological stack: PHP, Symfony, PHPUnit, Behat, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, RabbitMQ, SQS, AWS.CI/CD: GitHub, Jenkins, Kubernetes, CodeCov, CS Fixer, PHP Stan.IT methodologies: EventSourcing, DDD, CQRS, TDD.Work methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, Event storming, Code review, Pair programming.The recruitment process consists of:HR-technical interview (approximately 50 minutes).Task (1-2 hours).Requirements:PHP, SQL (minimum 5 years of experience)Knowledge of unit testingSymfony experience (minimum 2 years)Good understanding of Rest API, CI/CD (e.g., Jenkins)Understanding of the DDD pattern (practical implementation)Knowledge of queuing systems (e.g., Rabbit, SQS)Fluent English language skillsAdditional advantages:NoSQL experience (any practical experience)Event Sourcing experience (any practical experience)AWS knowledgeWe kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
.NET Developer
Cyclad Sp. z o.o., Lublin, lubelskie
We are seeking an experienced .NET Developer to join the team working on a E2E BI product powered by AI solutions. If you are passionate about driving architectural improvements and spearheading development platform initiatives, this may be the perfect opportunity for you. As a.NET Engineer, you will be part of Dev Platform team and play a crucial role in our journey.Project information:Industry: Business performanceType of project: development of our E2E BI product powered by AI solutionsOffice location: Wroclaw, PolandRemote work: 100% remote from the EUBudget: b2b 1050 - 1450 PLN/net/day + VATLevel: Mid and SeniorMethodology: Agile/ ScrumProject language: EnglishContract length: IndefiniteStart date: ASAP/ depending on candidate"s availabilityProject scope:Design, develop, and enhance our backend systems using the .NET frameworkDrive architectural improvements to enhance system reliability, scalability, and performanceImplement development platform initiatives to streamline workflows, improve developer productivity, and foster innovation in development teamsOptimize application performance through profiling, tuning, and enhancementsIdentify and address technical debt and scalability issues to ensure long-term viability of the platformStay updated on emerging technologies and best practices using AI for adoptionRequirements:4+ years of .NET developer experience with C#, implementing clean codeBS/MS in Computer Science or related technical disciplineStrong .NET Core (3.x.x+) experience, utilizing Entity Framework Core and Dapper for cloud-based solutionsFamiliarity with AWS or similar cloud ecosystems, with understanding of serverless architecture and microservices (we use AWS EKS, Lambdas, MSK, RDS, S3 etc.)REST and GraphQL Web APIsSQL expertise (SQL Server, Postgres) and SQL language proficiencyDomain Driven Design principles and MediatR/ CQRS implementationStrong attention to detail, troubleshooting skills, and effective communicationAbility to collaborate effectively to implement business requirements efficiently and work within a team of engineers willing to do greatEnglish: Min B2 levelWe offer:Full-time job agreementFlat structure with opportunities for development and implementation of your own ideasWork-Life balance with flexible work schedulesTo work with the best specialists in the area of BI solutionsPrivate medical care with dental care (covering 70% of costs) + rehabilitation package. Family package option possibleMultisport card (also for an accompanying person)Life insurance
Senior Developer React Native
www.TeamQuest.pl, Lublin, lubelskie
Our client is a dynamically growing finance company that has been providing comprehensive technical and accounting support services to entrepreneurs The company offers access to a wide range of services, including company formation, accounting services, tax and legal advice, as well as a modern invoicing system. Thanks to a personalized approach to each client, the company enables quick and efficient business finance management, while also offering the assistance of experienced accountants, tax specialists, and advisors. We are looking for talented candidates who want to join our team of experts and support entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. If you are ready for challenges and want to develop your skills in a friendly atmosphere, this is the place for you.Senior Developer React Nativelocation: Warszawa, Białystok, Poznań, Wrocław, Katowice, Gdańsk, Kraków, Łódź, Rzeszów, Lublin Main responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance/accounting - company on the phone).building applications in an attractive way for users, understanding the company's business goals.diagnosing and fixing errors and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels native.maintaining code and assisting in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close collaboration with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills/task allocation to team members/receiving work are required.leading in a development project. We expect you have:minimum 4-5 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of the English languagesolid understanding of JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native building tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST API, request document model, and offline storageability to work with less experienced programmers, being a technical leaderability to understand business needs and appropriately translate those needs and expectations into application functionalityknowledge of the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem-solving skills, ability to troubleshootability to work with clientskeeping up with the latest mobile application practices Will be considered as a major plus:experience with native languages on mobile devices (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java) We offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industry1