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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Mobile Developer w Polsce"

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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Mobile Developer w Polsce"

15 000 zł Średnia miesięczna pensja

Średni poziom płac w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy: "Mobile Developer w Polsce"

Waluty: PLN USD Rok: 2024
Wykres słupkowy pokazuje zmiany w poziomie przeciętnego wynagrodzenia zawodu Mobile Developer w Polsce.

Podział miejsc pracy "Mobile Developer" na obszarach Polsce

Waluty: PLN
Jak widać na wykresie, w Polsce największą ilość wakatów zawodu Mobile Developer otwarcie w Mazowieckie. Na drugim miejscu - Małopolskie, a na trzecim - Pomorskie.

Polecane oferty pracy

Mobile Flutter Developer
SSC Master Sp. z o.o., Toruń, Kujawsko-pomorskie
O Nas:SSC Master Sp. z o.o. jest producentem platformy do elektronicznego obiegu i zarzadzania dokumentami wewnątrz organizacji. Dzięki specjalnie zamodelowanym formularzom oraz możliwości dowolnego kreowania obiegu dokumentu, nasze aplikacje stanowią kompletną platformę do zarządzania i optymalizacji przepływu informacji w firmie. Realizujemy projekty, w których pierwszorzędną rolę odgrywa kreatywność połączona z wysoką dyscypliną realizacji.Dostarczamy naszym Klientom rozwiązania oparte o SaaS i model dzierżawy, ale także tradycyjne wdrożenia. Nasi programiści uczestniczą w całym cyklu tworzenia oraz implementacji rozwiązań, w istotny sposób wpływając na ich kształt i kierunki rozwoju.Zespół tworzy grupa młodych i kreatywnych osób ukierunkowanych na najnowsze rozwiązania technologiczne w powiązaniu z dobrze rozumianymi potrzebami biznesu.W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem platformy, poszukujemy osób na stanowisko: Mobile Flutter Developer.Zakres obowiązków:• tworzenie, wsparcie i rozwój aplikacji mobilnej dla platformy obiegu dokumentów, tworzonej w oparciu o framework Flutter (Dart),• wsparcie dla obecnie realizowanych kontraktów,• przygotowanie dokumentacji wraz z dokumentacją techniczną i utrzymaniową,• współpraca z zespołem analityków, architektów w zakresie projektowania architektury rozwiązań oraz zapewnienia wymaganej skalowalności, wydajności oraz bezpieczeństwa projektowanych rozwiązań. Umiejętności wymagane:• dobra znajomość frameworka Flutter i języka programowania Dart,• minimum rok doświadczenia w tworzeniu aplikacji na platformy Android lub iOS,• bardzo dobra znajomość JavaScript, HTML i CSS,• dobra znajomość frameworka Angular,• znajomość Javy w stopniu min. podstawowym,• znajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu umożliwiającym posługiwanie się dokumentacją techniczną.Umiejętności mile widziane:• znajomość JSF, PHP, REST,• znajomość środowiska Android Studio,• podstawowa znajomość relacyjnych baz danych,• doświadczenie w projektowaniu interface użytkownika.Oferujemy:• wynagrodzenie na poziomie 4000 – 8000 miesięcznie w zależności o umiejętności i formy zatrudnienia,• możliwość rozwoju zawodowego,• miłą atmosferę,• pracę w młodym i rozwojowym zespole,• doświadczenia w szybko rozwijającej się firmie.Miejsce pracy: Toruń, możliwa praca zdalna, pełen etat.Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesłanie CV na adres: @Prosimy o dopisanie następującej klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (RODO).”
Mobile React Native Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Poznań
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Wrocław
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Kraków
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Katowice
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Gdańsk
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
www.TeamQuest.pl, Białystok
Responsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
adzuna, cała
Mobile React Native DeveloperTeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client is a dynamically growing finance company that has been providing comprehensive technical and accounting support services to entrepreneurs for over 8 years. With its headquarters in Warsaw and branches in Toruń and Lublin, the company offers access to a wide range of services, including company formation, accounting services, tax and legal advice, as well as a modern invoicing system. Thanks to a personalized approach to each client, the company enables quick and efficient business finance management, while also offering the assistance of experienced accountants, tax specialists, and advisors. We are looking for talented candidates who want to join our team of experts and support entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. If you are ready for challenges and want to develop your skills in a friendly atmosphere, this is the place for you.Mobile React Native DeveloperWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryResponsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
adzuna, podkarpackie
Mobile React Native DeveloperTeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client is a dynamically growing finance company that has been providing comprehensive technical and accounting support services to entrepreneurs for over 8 years. With its headquarters in Warsaw and branches in Toruń and Lublin, the company offers access to a wide range of services, including company formation, accounting services, tax and legal advice, as well as a modern invoicing system. Thanks to a personalized approach to each client, the company enables quick and efficient business finance management, while also offering the assistance of experienced accountants, tax specialists, and advisors. We are looking for talented candidates who want to join our team of experts and support entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. If you are ready for challenges and want to develop your skills in a friendly atmosphere, this is the place for you.Mobile React Native DeveloperWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryResponsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Mobile React Native Developer
adzuna, lubelskie
Mobile React Native DeveloperTeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client is a dynamically growing finance company that has been providing comprehensive technical and accounting support services to entrepreneurs for over 8 years. With its headquarters in Warsaw and branches in Toruń and Lublin, the company offers access to a wide range of services, including company formation, accounting services, tax and legal advice, as well as a modern invoicing system. Thanks to a personalized approach to each client, the company enables quick and efficient business finance management, while also offering the assistance of experienced accountants, tax specialists, and advisors. We are looking for talented candidates who want to join our team of experts and support entrepreneurs in developing their businesses. If you are ready for challenges and want to develop your skills in a friendly atmosphere, this is the place for you.Mobile React Native DeveloperWe offer:attractive salaryremote workopportunity to work on interesting projects in the FinTech industryResponsibilities:development of a mobile application (finance / accounting - company on the phone).building an application in an attractive way for users, with an understanding of the company's business goals.diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels nativemaintain code and aid in writing automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.close cooperation with developers from abroad, so teamwork skills are needed / assigning tasks to team members / receiving work.Requirements:minimum 2-3 years of commercial experience with React Nativevery good command of Englishfirm grasp of the JavaScript and TypeScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntaxfamiliarity with native build tools (Xcode and Android Studio)understanding of REST APIs, the document request model and offline storagethe ability to understand business needs and appropriately translate these needs and expectations into application functionalityfamiliarity with the mobile application development lifecyclestrong analytical and problem solving skills, ability to troubleshoot issueskeeping up to date on the latest mobile application best practicesAdditional advantages:experience with mobile native languages (Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Java)We kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.