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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Practice Manager w Śląskie"

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Polecane oferty pracy

Administrator IT - Wirtualizacja i Konteneryzacja
www.TeamQuest.pl, Katowice
Obowiązki:instalacja i utrzymanie platform Kubernetes opartych o RKE2automatyzacja zadań utrzymaniowych za pomocą ansible-playbookówkonfiguracja i utrzymanie systemu Harbor, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Hashicorp Vault, Grafana, Fluentd, Kibana, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Ingress-Nginx Controller, Kube-Vipzarządzanie, utrzymanie i konfiguracja systemami Cert-managerzarządzanie, utrzymanie i konfiguracja systemami NeuVectorzarządzanie, utrzymanie i konfiguracja systemem Rancher.pomoc zespołom w realizacji zadań związanych z deponowaniem aplikacji w ramach klastra za pomocą helm chartówhardening instalacji (CiS, best-practices)prowadzenie monitoringu infrastruktury oraz wykrywanie i usuwanie potencjalnych awariianaliza i rozwiązywanie problemów systemowych, wydajnościowych i bezpieczeństwadokumentacja pracyWymagania:znajomość środowiska Linux (RHEL, Oracle Linux)doświadczenie w pracy z platformą Kubernetes jako rozwiązanie On-Premisedoświadczenie w pracy z RKE2 i Kubernetes w wersji 1.24+znajomość systemów automatyzacji ansibleznajomość języków skryptowych bash, pythonznajomość terminologii sieciowej i komponentów z nią zwianychzaangażowanie i samodzielność w rozwiązywaniu problemówgotowość do nauki i rozwijania swoich umiejętnościkontaktowość, czerpanie satysfakcji z pracy w grupiewykształcenie wyższe (lub w trakcie) - preferowany profil ITznajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu komunikatywnymprawo jazdy kat. BOferujemy:atrakcyjne wynagrodzeniemożliwość rozwoju w dynamicznej i nowoczesnej firmiemożliwość pracy przy dużych projektach i profesjonalnych systemach informatycznychprzyjazną atmosferę pracymożliwość pracy hybrydowejbędziemy wspierać Twój rozwój zawodowy poprzez szkolenia merytorycznezadbamy o Twoje zdrowie poprzez dofinansowanie do prywatnej opieki medycznej (Medicover) oraz karnetów sportowych (Medicover Sport).Dodatkowe atuty:doświadczenie w pracy z środowiskiem zwirtualizowanym oVirt/OLVMpodstawowa wiedza o profesjonalnym sprzęcie informatycznym - serwery, macierze, urządzenia siecioweUprzejmie informujemy, że odpowiemy tylko na wybrane aplikacje. TeamQuest został wpisany do rejestru podmiotów prowadzących agencje zatrudnienia przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 11118.
Administrator IT - Virtualization and Containerization
www.TeamQuest.pl, Katowice
Responsibilities:installation and maintenance of Kubernetes platforms based on RKE2automation of maintenance tasks using ansible playbooksconfiguration and maintenance of Harbor, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Hashicorp Vault, Grafana, Fluentd, Kibana, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Ingress-Nginx Controller, Kube-Vip systemsmanagement, maintenance, and configuration of Cert-manager systemsmanagement, maintenance, and configuration of NeuVector systemsmanagement, maintenance, and configuration of Rancher systemassisting teams in deploying applications within the cluster using helm chartshardening of installations (CiS, best practices)infrastructure monitoring and detection and resolution of potential failuresanalysis and resolution of system, performance, and security issuesdocumentation of workRequirements:knowledge of the Linux environment (RHEL, Oracle Linux)experience working with Kubernetes platform as an On-Premise solutionexperience working with RKE2 and Kubernetes version 1.24+familiarity with ansible automation systemsproficiency in scripting languages such as bash, pythonunderstanding of networking terminology and related componentscommitment and independence in problem-solvingwillingness to learn and develop skillsgood communication skills, deriving satisfaction from working in a teamhigher education (or in progress) - IT profile preferredcommunicative level of Englishdriving license category BWe offer:attractive salaryopportunity for development in a dynamic and modern companypossibility to work on large projects and professional IT systemsfriendly work atmospherepossibility of hybrid workwe will support your professional development through substantive trainingwe will take care of your health by subsidizing private medical care (Medicover) and sports cards (Medicover Sport).Additional advantages:experience working with the virtualized environment oVirt/OLVMbasic knowledge of professional IT equipment - servers, storage arrays, networking devicesWe kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Technical Lead ( (Java Background))
www.TeamQuest.pl, Katowice
Responsibilities:Execution of the Technology, Architecture, IT Security, and DevOps strategy of GILDS in the tribeManaging and providing technical expertise to the tribeOrchestrating technical development within the tribeAccountableEnabling the product teams to effectively develop solutions by selecting the right technologies and tools as well as supporting with an overall architectureProviding tools and consultancy for Technology, Architecture, and IT Security questions to the product teamsResponsibleDefining of tools and practices needed for the development of solutions in the tribeProviding technical consultation, decision support, and expertiseEstablishing, continuously validating, and evolving Technology, Architecture, IT Security, and DevOps standards and corresponding tools and frameworks within the tribeEvaluating new technologies and processes relevant to the tribeSupporting disciplinary managers with the development and hiring of technical staff in the tribeFostering developer advocacy culture and representation of technical staff interests in the tribeConsultedStrategic and tactical changes that may affect the tribe in terms of Technology, Architecture, IT Security and DevOpsGILDS product portfolio and strategyExternal demands that may impact the tribes" Technology, Architecture, IT Security, and DevOpsProject and product portfolio status relevant to the tribeVendor relations relevant to the tribeInformedIT&D technical and operations (DevOps) processes and standardsStrategy and key business development-related activities of the Business UnitsGlobal IT&D strategy as well as business development-related activities of the Management Regions and major countriesProduct team activities related to Technology, Architecture, IT Security and DevOps within F.LCTStrategy, technology, development and architecture-related activitiesSupporting squads in the selection of the right technologySupporting squads in architecture creationAlignments with technical tribe leadsAlignments with the Engineering and Technology enterprise function and DevOpsWeekly alignment with technical leads of the squads about current technological topicsSupporting the tribe in DevOps topics as a proxy for DevOps Enterprise functionRegular alignments with suppliersJob interviews of technical staffSupport secure coding practices and secure operations of the tribe's servicesSupporting/conducting threat analysisSupporting penetration test result remediationModerating communication between developers and non-developersStep-in for missing internal developers in squadsEvaluating new vendorsEvaluating new technologiesSupporting the creation and maintenance of tools for squadsSupport from the technical side in preparation of new projectsRepresent company as a speaker at conferencesCode reviews within the tribeOnboarding of new developers to the tribeMonitoring of general service availability within the tribeTechnical evaluation of new projects relevant to the tribeInitial effort estimations for new projects relevant to the tribeRequirements:Minimum Master's / Diploma degree in Computer Science or related disciplinesAdditional master's degree in business administration preferredExperienced team lead with at least five years of managerial responsibility for multicultural and worldwide teamsExperienced Lead Developer / Architect with at least ten years of professional expertise in Java Enterprise developmentKnowledge of forwarding business or other industries with at least ten years of work experience is preferredProfessional experience in agile developmentKnowledge about cross-platform responsive designStrong organizational and multi-tasking skillsCustomer and service orientationStrong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively across diverse organizations, groups, and functionsFlexible thinker able to operate in a changing environmentFluent Business English and Polish (written and spoken), German would be advantageousWe offer:Attractive salaryRemote workWork in a dynamically developing company, which is a global leader in the transport and logistic sectorVarious challenges at workGreat atmosphereWe kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Administrator IT - Virtualization and Containerization
adzuna, śląskie
Administrator IT - Virtualization and ContainerizationTeamQuest is a Polish, fast growing Company, more than 10 years dealing with complex human resources services, especially in the recruitment of IT specialists.Our client is a renowned IT company that has been specializing in providing comprehensive IT solutions for years. They focus on implementing and maintaining IT systems that support the management of companies and institutions. Thanks to the use of Prince2 or SureStep methodologies and having an ISO 9001:2008 certification, they guarantee the highest level of services provided. The company offers not only technical support and software updates but also IT audits and consulting, Business Intelligence, and cybersecurity solutions. The company's headquarters are located in Katowice, and its team consists of experienced professionals ready to take on challenges in various fields, including real estate management. We are looking for individuals who want to join our client and together create innovative IT solutions that contribute to the success of businesses in the market.Administrator IT - Virtualization and ContainerizationWe offer:attractive salaryopportunity for development in a dynamic and modern companypossibility to work on large projects and professional IT systemsfriendly work atmospherepossibility of hybrid workwe will support your professional development through substantive trainingwe will take care of your health by subsidizing private medical care (Medicover) and sports cards (Medicover Sport).Responsibilities:installation and maintenance of Kubernetes platforms based on RKE2automation of maintenance tasks using ansible playbooksconfiguration and maintenance of Harbor, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Hashicorp Vault, Grafana, Fluentd, Kibana, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Ingress-Nginx Controller, Kube-Vip systemsmanagement, maintenance, and configuration of Cert-manager systemsmanagement, maintenance, and configuration of NeuVector systemsmanagement, maintenance, and configuration of Rancher systemassisting teams in deploying applications within the cluster using helm chartshardening of installations (CiS, best practices)infrastructure monitoring and detection and resolution of potential failuresanalysis and resolution of system, performance, and security issuesdocumentation of workRequirements:knowledge of the Linux environment (RHEL, Oracle Linux)experience working with Kubernetes platform as an On-Premise solutionexperience working with RKE2 and Kubernetes version 1.24+familiarity with ansible automation systemsproficiency in scripting languages such as bash, pythonunderstanding of networking terminology and related componentscommitment and independence in problem-solvingwillingness to learn and develop skillsgood communication skills, deriving satisfaction from working in a teamhigher education (or in progress) - IT profile preferredcommunicative level of Englishdriving license category BAdditional advantages:experience working with the virtualized environment oVirt/OLVMbasic knowledge of professional IT equipment - servers, storage arrays, networking devicesWe kindly inform you that we will only respond to selected applications. TeamQuest has been added to the register of entities conducting employment agencies by the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodship under the number 11118.
Administrator IT - Wirtualizacja i Konteneryzacja
adzuna, śląskie
Administrator IT - Wirtualizacja i KonteneryzacjaTeamQuest jest polską, dynamicznie rozwijającą się firmą, od ponad 10 lat zajmującą się kompleksowymi usługami doradztwa personalnego w szczególności w rekrutacji specjalistów IT.Nasz klient to uznana firma z branży IT, która od lat specjalizuje się w dostarczaniu kompleksowych rozwiązań informatycznych. Zajmuje się wdrażaniem i utrzymywaniem systemów IT, które wspomagają zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwami i instytucjami. Dzięki wykorzystaniu metodyk Prince2 lub SureStep oraz posiadaniu certyfikatu ISO 9001:2008, gwarantuje najwyższy poziom świadczonych usług. Firma oferuje nie tylko wsparcie techniczne i aktualizacje oprogramowania, ale również audyty i consulting IT, Business Intelligence oraz rozwiązania z zakresu cyberbezpieczeństwa. Siedziba firmy mieści się w Katowicach, a jej zespół tworzą doświadczeni specjaliści, którzy są gotowi podjąć wyzwanie w różnych dziedzinach, w tym zarządzaniu nieruchomościami. Szukamy osób, które chcą dołączyć do naszego klienta i wspólnie tworzyć innowacyjne rozwiązania IT, które przyczyniają się do sukcesu przedsiębiorstw na rynku.Administrator IT - Wirtualizacja i KonteneryzacjaOferujemy:atrakcyjne wynagrodzeniemożliwość rozwoju w dynamicznej i nowoczesnej firmiemożliwość pracy przy dużych projektach i profesjonalnych systemach informatycznychprzyjazną atmosferę pracymożliwość pracy hybrydowejbędziemy wspierać Twój rozwój zawodowy poprzez szkolenia merytorycznezadbamy o Twoje zdrowie poprzez dofinansowanie do prywatnej opieki medycznej (Medicover) oraz karnetów sportowych (Medicover Sport).Obowiązki:instalacja i utrzymanie platform Kubernetes opartych o RKE2automatyzacja zadań utrzymaniowych za pomocą ansible-playbookówkonfiguracja i utrzymanie systemu Harbor, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Hashicorp Vault, Grafana, Fluentd, Kibana, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Ingress-Nginx Controller, Kube-Vipzarządzanie, utrzymanie i konfiguracja systemami Cert-managerzarządzanie, utrzymanie i konfiguracja systemami NeuVectorzarządzanie, utrzymanie i konfiguracja systemem Rancher.pomoc zespołom w realizacji zadań związanych z deponowaniem aplikacji w ramach klastra za pomocą helm chartówhardening instalacji (CiS, best-practices)prowadzenie monitoringu infrastruktury oraz wykrywanie i usuwanie potencjalnych awariianaliza i rozwiązywanie problemów systemowych, wydajnościowych i bezpieczeństwadokumentacja pracyWymagania:znajomość środowiska Linux (RHEL, Oracle Linux)doświadczenie w pracy z platformą Kubernetes jako rozwiązanie On-Premisedoświadczenie w pracy z RKE2 i Kubernetes w wersji 1.24+znajomość systemów automatyzacji ansibleznajomość języków skryptowych bash, pythonznajomość terminologii sieciowej i komponentów z nią zwianychzaangażowanie i samodzielność w rozwiązywaniu problemówgotowość do nauki i rozwijania swoich umiejętnościkontaktowość, czerpanie satysfakcji z pracy w grupiewykształcenie wyższe (lub w trakcie) - preferowany profil ITznajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu komunikatywnymprawo jazdy kat. BDodatkowe atuty:doświadczenie w pracy z środowiskiem zwirtualizowanym oVirt/OLVMpodstawowa wiedza o profesjonalnym sprzęcie informatycznym - serwery, macierze, urządzenia siecioweUprzejmie informujemy, że odpowiemy tylko na wybrane aplikacje. TeamQuest został wpisany do rejestru podmiotów prowadzących agencje zatrudnienia przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 11118.
Senior Full Stack Developer (React / Node.js)
Cyclad Sp. z o.o., Katowice, śląskie
Project information:Industry: Fashion / Clothing CompanyLocation: 100% remoteType of employment: B2BBudget: 1100-1250 net / day / b2b Project duration: permanentSeniority level: senior, min. 5 YoEProject language: EnglishStart date: ASAPWorking hours: 10 AM - 6 PMOnly candidates with citizenship in the European Union and residence in PolandMust have: JavaScript, React, NodeJS, GraphQL, REST, microservices, ETL toolsNice to have: Vue.js, experience in domains: eCommerce, Retail, supply chains Project scope:Design, develop, and maintain full-stack applications using React.js, Node.js, and GraphQLImplement and manage state management solutions using Redux, Context API, or other UI librariesDevelop and optimize GraphQL APIs using Apollo ServerWork with SQL-compliant ORMs and databases like PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or MySQLDesign and develop RESTful APIs with a focus on scalability and securityUtilize testing frameworks such as Jest, Mocha, or Cypress to ensure the reliability of applicationsApply best practices in microservices architecture and cloud servicesCollaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software solutionsParticipate in code reviews, contribute to technical discussions, and mentor junior developersEnsure code quality and maintainability through effective version control and continuous integration practicesRequirements:Frontend:Proficiency in React.js, including state management (e.g., Redux, Context API).Experience with TypeScript and Apollo Client for managing GraphQL operationsFamiliarity with UI libraries like Redux Toolkit, MobX, Tanstack Query, Jotai, etc.Experience in creating custom Hooks and advanced React concepts such as Refs & ForwardRefsKnowledge of build tools like Vite or Webpack and package managers like PNPM, Yarn, etc.Backend:Strong expertise in Node.js and server-side frameworks like Express.jsIn-depth knowledge of GraphQL and experience with Apollo ServerProficiency in SQL-compliant ORMs such as KnexJS, Drizzle ORM, TypeORM, or SequelizeExperience with RESTful API design and developmentFamiliarity with JWT Authentication, Role-based access control (RBAC), and best security practices (OWASP compliance)Knowledge of modern DevOps practices, including CI/CD pipelines, containerization (Docker), and nginx configurationWe offer:A unique opportunity to join an international team and lead innovative projects for a renowned U.S. companyPrivate medical care (with dental care financed 70% by the company)Professional growth and development opportunitiesCollaborative and inclusive work environmentLife InsuranceMultisport CardFlextimeIntegration events
RPA Specialist: Blue Prism
Cyclad Sp. z o.o., Katowice, śląskie
We"re seeking an RPA Specialist (Blue Prism) to join our client"s Intelligence Automation Department working on advanced robotics and cognitive process automation. The team provides solutions to international clients and supports large-scale RPA projects.Project information:Industry: BankingType of project: advanced robotics and process automationRemote work: 100% remote work - 2-3 trips to Belgium for a couple of daysOffice location: Cracow/ KatowiceBudget: b2b up to 1080 PLN/ net per dayProject language: EnglishProject length: permanentWorking hours: flexibleProject scope:Implement build, test and deploy Automation Software solutions​ for the banking projectIdentify and communicate the technical implementation requirements​Ensure the development of automation solutions is done in accordance with coding standards and frameworks​Apply SCRUM framework and Agile methodology in automation project delivery​Ensure documentation is created and maintained by the development team​Anticipate, identify and communicate project risks and issues to Project Manager and Clients​Participate, contribute & facilitate knowledge sharing meeting/initiatives​Mentor Junior developers and create and deliver trainings & perform Quality Assurance process​Document & maintain best practices and development techniques​Drive client meetings during the project​Competence demands:BS and/or MS degree in Computer Science or equivalent2+ years of experience developing RPA solutions with Blue Prism, and object-oriented programming languageAbility to create new automations & amend the existing onesTechnical skills and experience necessary for independent realization of tasks in any phase of developing automation solutionsUnderstanding of business processes to be able to conceptualize it as an automated solutionKnowledge of relational databasesExperience in using tools such as GIT / JIRA / ServiceNow & working in SCRUM/Agile frameworkGood communication skills with the ability to present technical details to a non-technical audienceEnglish: min B2Nice to have: knowledge of network communication standards (e.g. JMS, HTTP, SOAP, XML, XSD)We offer:Unique opportunity to join an international team and lead innovation projectsPrivate medical care with dental care (covering 70% of costs) + rehabilitation package. Family package option possibleMultisport card (also for an accompanying person)Life insuranceIf preferred, possibility to work 100% remotely
Technical Program Manager
OverviewAdaptive Vision, now part of Zebra Technologies, operates on the market of industrial vision systems as a manufacturer of intelligent cameras. In Gliwice and Wroclaw we have a main software development center. We are responsible for the development of software products for Zebra - from inventing image analysis algorithms (traditional and based on deep learning) to running them on industrial IPC computers and on intelligent cameras (embedded platform with the most modern NXP processors)ResponsibilitiesDrive execution of solutions inclusive of concept definition, requirements validation, architecture specification, and governance compliance to our Application Lifecycle Management framework.Team leadership for scaled Agile cross-functional innovation teams. Contribute to and promote thedevelopment of agile skillset and capabilities within Zebra.Execute multiple limited scope projects simultaneously or a large program utilizing modern projectmanagement methodologies to ensure maximum project effectiveness.Organize and lead scrum teams as an agile scrum master (SM) or a release train engineer (RTE)Leads creating cross functional workstreams and driving execution for sales enablement, development and deployment.Organizes and presents business, technical and program reviews/status to Senior Leadership usingdigital media, dashboards and JIRA agile project management tools.Independently execute to program plan and budgets for multiple, large projects. Recommend corrective actions and implement changes.Identify and mitigate risks; develop and implement risk mitigation plans. Owns ensuring alignment from key leaders of milestone achievement before moving the program forward.Motivate a project team to ensure solutions are reliable and of quality, in a highly collaborative fashion Demonstrates the ability to see cross-functional impacts of decisions and project plans andexecution. Balances scope, schedule and budget considerations to adjust the project with minimalimpact to the business.Understands the business objectives of the program and assumes personal accountability for success of the program against those objectives.Provides assistance with coordination of deliverables and project assets to assist the project team. Personally anticipates and addresses obstacles or issues that are moderate to significant in severity and escalates complex issues to management for assistance.Independently engages additional resources as needed to address obstacles or delays. Adjusts the plan per management guidelines as delays or obstacles are experienced.Demonstrates intermediate understanding of development processes and product launch scope and activitiesVery limited supervision by management is expected in this position for complex or novel problems.Supports early stage go to market activities and transition to marketingUnderstand competitive landscape in both product and business termsQualificationsProficient level of English language (written and spoken)BS Electrical Engineering or Computer Science degree, or related technical BS degree, MS preferred5-8 years Engineering/Program management and Scrum Master experience for products in fast paced environmentIntermediate to advanced leadership and analytical skillsStrong communication skillsSolid critical thinking and questioning skillsExperience leading medium cross-functional teamsSelf-motivated, results driven, manages risks, and thrives in an environment of uncertainty and continuous innovation.Experienced team builder, great at collaboration and managing resources; proven interpersonal skillsPast responsibility for multiple significant delivered-tomarket solutions in industrial, automotive or healthcare markets (Machine Learning, Machine Vision).Experience with software development best practices including Scaled Agile, TDD and Continuous Integration; a trackrecord of applying these methodologiesExperience working independently and as part of a team to solve difficult technical, quality, cost, and schedule challenges; well versed in risk management practicesBenefits4 days paid Volunteering daysFlexible working hours in a hybrid system Life InsurancePPK Pension planMedicover private medical care for you and your familyMultisport card to access multiple sport and fitness locationsEmployee referral bonus for bringing new talent to ZebraInternal employee recognition programProfessional learning and development program for employeesAbout ZebraWe are Zebra Technologies. We build today, so we can create tomorrow.Zebra is an international equal opportunity US employer, established for 50 years, committed to a diverse and expansive work environment! The diversity of our people and their ideas powers our inventiveness. We sell innovative technology solutions within barcode and product identification - RFID, barcode scanners, printers, data analytics and software. We employ over 7,000 people across 100 locations in 50 countries.Our solutions are used by logistics, manufacturing, hospitality, healthcare, retail industries and postal services all over the world and, even by football professionals! Zebra in Brno was awarded as a TOP employer of the year 2018 in Jihomoravsky kraj and also ABSL Diamonds Awards 2019 for innovations and 2020 for Employer Branding & People Engagement.Send us your CV in English. Be part of Zebra family.
Salesforce Business Analyst
Hays, Gliwice
Your new company For our Client, international company located in Gliwice, we are currently looking for Salesforce Business Analyst to join global IT team.Your new role Salesforce Business Analyst will play a key role in documenting and understanding existing business processes, making improvements, deploying Salesforce based solutions and attending review sessions with the stakeholders. Salesforce expertise will include using and deploying Salesforce Clouds and associated functionality: Sales Cloud and Service Cloud.Holding the role of Salesforce BA you will work closely with the Commercial Solutions Manager, Systems/ Business Analysts, Developers, Business Users and Customers. You will demonstrate experience researching, understanding, and applying knowledge of Salesforce Applications to business needs within a global organization. Also, you will act as Project Manager regarding execution of projects related to new Salesforce deployments for selected business units.Your responsibilities will also include:understanding, evaluating, analyzing and documenting business processes using Visio and lean principlesimplementing best practices and functional expertise within the scope of the Commercial Applications to drive change in the organization through business process re-designanalyzing business and technical requirements and modelling/ mapping business processesunderstanding, validating, and documenting business needs, identifying gaps between business needs and standard Salesforce functionalitydocumenting Software application requirements using the Agile Framework of user stories with acceptance criteria in agile tools such as Service Nowstory grooming, estimation, prioritization and sprint planning with the commercial teamcreating project schedules, assigning tasks and perform project oversightexecuting test plans to assess the integrity and accuracy of business processes, setting up module functionality and modifications, enhancements/customizations, and patchesfacilitating training sessions both in person or via conferencing technology to new/existing Salesforce usersWhat you'll need to succeed university degree preferably in IT or related fieldaround 2 years of experience as business analystover 1 year of experience with Salesforce technology as Salesforce Key User or Administratorstrong planning skills that include: project coordination, project management, planning and scheduling, time management and the ability to work with deadlinesholding Salesforce Certification would be your strong advantageknowledge and/ or experience working in an Agile Project Management environment would be a plus What you'll get in return Our Client offers: interesting work in global structures, participation in Oracle implementation from very early stage, flexible working conditions (perm contract or B2B), flexible hybrid work, additional benefits for perm contracts such as: private medical care, sport card, group insurance etc.What you need to do now If you're interested in this role, click 'apply now' to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
Salesforce Business Analyst
HAYS, Gliwice, slaskie
Salesforce Business AnalystGliwiceNR REF.: 1188473Your new company For our Client, international company located in Gliwice, we are currently looking for Salesforce Business Analyst to join global IT team.Your new role Salesforce Business Analyst will play a key role in documenting and understanding existing business processes, making improvements, deploying Salesforce based solutions and attending review sessions with the stakeholders. Salesforce expertise will include using and deploying Salesforce Clouds and associated functionality: Sales Cloud and Service Cloud.Holding the role of Salesforce BA you will work closely with the Commercial Solutions Manager, Systems/ Business Analysts, Developers, Business Users and Customers. You will demonstrate experience researching, understanding, and applying knowledge of Salesforce Applications to business needs within a global organization. Also, you will act as Project Manager regarding execution of projects related to new Salesforce deployments for selected business units.Your responsibilities will also include:understanding, evaluating, analyzing and documenting business processes using Visio and lean principlesimplementing best practices and functional expertise within the scope of the Commercial Applications to drive change in the organization through business process re-designanalyzing business and technical requirements and modelling/ mapping business processesunderstanding, validating, and documenting business needs, identifying gaps between business needs and standard Salesforce functionalitydocumenting Software application requirements using the Agile Framework of user stories with acceptance criteria in agile tools such as Service Nowstory grooming, estimation, prioritization and sprint planning with the commercial teamcreating project schedules, assigning tasks and perform project oversightexecuting test plans to assess the integrity and accuracy of business processes, setting up module functionality and modifications, enhancements/customizations, and patchesfacilitating training sessions both in person or via conferencing technology to new/existing Salesforce usersWhat you39ll need to succeed university degree preferably in IT or related fieldaround 2 years of experience as business analystover 1 year of experience with Salesforce technology as Salesforce Key User or Administratorstrong planning skills that include: project coordination, project management, planning and scheduling, time management and the ability to work with deadlinesholding Salesforce Certification would be your strong advantageknowledge and/ or experience working in an Agile Project Management environment would be a plus What you39ll get in return Our Client offers: interesting work in global structures, participation in Oracle implementation from very early stage, flexible working conditions (perm contract or B2B), flexible hybrid work, additional benefits for perm contracts such as: private medical care, sport card, group insurance etc.What you need to do now If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.