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Przegląd Statystyki wynagrodzenia zawód "Regional Technical Manager w Polsce"

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Polecane oferty pracy

Regional Sales Manager (Lithuania)
Hays, Lithuania, Katowice
For one of our clients, international company from window and door joinerysector, we are looking for Regional Sales Manager, for Lithuania market.The main responsibilities:generating new sales from existing customers and acquiring new customers, developing business contacts and building long-term relationships with potential business partners,launching new products on the market, technical consulting for the clientimplementation of the assumed sales plans,preparing and analysing market forecasts and reports, monitoring competition activities,conducting a commercial strategy in the subordinate region in accordance with the company's policy, responsibility for planning and implementing marketing and promotional activities in the region,Requirements:At least few years of experience in sales, preferably in window and door joinery, or in the technical or building sector in generalStrong business sense and industry expertiseTechnical skills and senseExcellent communication, high personal cultureVery good knowledge of English languageHigher technical education is welcomeWe can offer you possibilities to grow up in International company, attractive salary and training package.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Regional Sales Manager (Lithuania)
Hays Poland, Lithuania, slaskie
Regional Sales Manager (Lithuania)LithuaniaNR REF.: 1185394For one of our clients, international company from window and door joinerysector, we are looking for Regional Sales Manager, for Lithuania market.The main responsibilities:generating new sales from existing customers and acquiring new customers, developing business contacts and building long-term relationships with potential business partners,launching new products on the market, technical consulting for the clientimplementation of the assumed sales plans,preparing and analysing market forecasts and reports, monitoring competition activities,conducting a commercial strategy in the subordinate region in accordance with the company39s policy, responsibility for planning and implementing marketing and promotional activities in the region,Requirements:At least few years of experience in sales, preferably in window and door joinery, or in the technical or building sector in generalStrong business sense and industry expertiseTechnical skills and senseExcellent communication, high personal cultureVery good knowledge of English languageHigher technical education is welcomeWe can offer you possibilities to grow up in International company, attractive salary and training package.Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.
Food & Beverage Operations Manager
Goldman Recruitment, Zakopane, Małopolskie
Opis stanowiska:zarządzanie kilkoma punktami gastronomicznymi jednocześnie,zarządzanie, kierowanie i egzekwowanie budżetów od Zarządu,odpowiedzialność za budżet przychodowy i kosztowy, w tym wypracowanie celów i ich realizacja,łączenie myśli marketingowej z zarządzaniem punktami gastronomicznymi,współpraca z działem marketingu, księgowością oraz zakupami w celu osiągnięcia celów biznesowych,prognozowanie i planowanie budżetu na każdy kolejny rok.Wymagania:doświadczenie na stanowisku kierowniczym w branży gastronomicznej w prowadzeniu kilku obiektów jednocześnie (warunek konieczny),umiejętność efektywnego zarządzania budżetem i osiągania założonych celów,silne umiejętności komunikacyjne i zdolności przywódcze,znajomość budżetowania i silne umiejętności analityczne,znajomość rynku gastronomicznego oraz aktualnych trendów,doskonała organizacja pracy i umiejętność pracy pod presją czasu.Oferujemy:stabilne zatrudnienie w renomowanej firmie gastronomicznej w Zakopanem,wyżywienie,możliwość rozwoju zawodowego i awansu w strukturach organizacyjnych,przyjazną atmosferę pracy oraz profesjonalne wsparcie ze strony zespołu,pracę stacjonarną w centrum miasta.
Junior Product Manager - Nestlé Professional
Nestle Polska S.A., Warszawa, mazowieckie
Lead, develop and execute agreed marketing strategy for dedicated portfolio (KIT KAT, LION and other brands in OOH market) Develop and support in branded concepts creation with customers Contribute to global I&R strategy - evaluate market potential, prepare strategies and sales story for future product launches Represent the market in regional/global category meetings, review global initiatives and materials for their potential in local market Collaborate with factories to make smooth implementations of the projects Participate with Sales Team in clients meeting and present the product offer In cooperation with other team members – create visibility on business events Collaborate with Digital and agencies to implement aligned strategy into an impactful and valuable communication of the concepts and brands Support on ad-hoc daily requests of Marketing, Sales and Controlling Teams Experience: 1-2 years in marketing/trade marketing/sales/supply chain in one of following categories: project coordination, new product launches/relaunches as well as activation of current portfolio Experience: in FMCG/OOH company/ experience in working in international organization – nice to have Education: master degree (in marketing - nice to have) Presentation skills in front of internal and external clients Very good knowledge of English (in speech and writing) High level of initiative/proactive attitude and can-do mindset  Open-minded and learning on the fly – readiness to adapt new categories knowledge  Collaborative attitude and team-work skills  Working knowledge of MS Office (Powerpoint, Excel)  Full-time employment agreement Competitive benefit package: private medical care, Pension Fund, cafeteria program under the Social Fund, Multisport card Hybrid type of work Modern office in Mokotów area (15 min. far from Wilanowska metro station) An interesting job in an international, dynamically developing FMCG company   High work standards and great atmosphere   Creating a career development path tailored to the aspirations and opportunities within the company Opportunity to participate in Sustainability projects, and join a community focused on creating sustainable solutions
Astroman, Warszawa
Firma: Światowy lider w zakresie projektowania, produkcji, instalacji i serwisu supernowoczesnych elektrowni wiatrowych, rozpoczynający działalność gospodarczą w Polsce. Koncern jest właścicielem kilkuset patentów w zakresie energetyki wiatrowej, prekursorem w projektowaniu i realizacji generatorów wiatrowych o mocy 5 MW oraz zdecydowanym liderem w zakresie najwyższej jakości i niezawodności turbin i elektrowni wiatrowych. Farmy wiatrowe zrealizowane przez koncern pracują na wszystkich kontynentach, a farmy wiatrowe na terenie Japonii, USA, Kanady, Chin, Indii, Australii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Hiszpanii, Włoch, Francji, Portugalii i Grecji otrzymały najwyższe nagrody i wyróżnienia światowe. Wymagania: Klientami koncernu w Polsce są międzynarodowe koncerny inwestujące w realizację farm wiatrowych w różnych regionach Polski. Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku, będzie pierwszym i jedynym oficjalnym reprezentantem koncernu w Polsce. Ściśle współpracując z Dyrektorem Pionu Technologii, Rozwoju Produktów i Serwisu w centrali koncernu, osoba ta, będzie strategiem do spraw kompletowania urządzeń i systemów energetycznych, serwisowania i zarządzania techniką w zakresie elektrowni wiatrowych. Będzie przeprowadzała analizy potrzeb operatorów regionalnych i centralnych w Polsce, ustalała wymogi techniczno-technologiczne każdego operatora, w tym w zakresie uwarunkowań przyłączenia farmy wiatrowej do sieci dystrybucyjnej operatora regionalnego lub centralnego w Polsce, będzie określała warunki infrastrukturalne i raportowała do centrali koncernu. Będzie przeprowadzała szczegółowe analizy potrzeb i uwarunkowań technicznych, technologicznych i organizacyjnych - w odniesieniu do indywidualnych potrzeb każdego klienta koncernu - a następnie nadzorowała wszystkie sprawy dotyczące dostaw, instalacji i serwisu urządzeń energetyki wiatrowej na obszarze Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Uwarunkowania: Wyższe studia techniczne w zakresie elektrotechniki, maszyn i urządzeń energetycznych, systemów zarządzania systemami energetycznymi. Studia podyplomowe w zakresie zarządzania projektami. Autentyczna pasja oraz znakomita znajomość nowoczesnej techniki i technologii w zakresie energetyki wiatrowej. Co najmniej kilkuletnie doświadczenie w branży energetyki wiatrowej, w tym co najmniej 3 ostatnie lata na stanowisku Technical Development Manager lub Senior Project Manager w liczącej się, międzynarodowej korporacji energetyki wiatrowej. Biegła znajomość języka angielskiego, szczególnie w zakresie terminologii technicznej dotyczącej maszyn i urządzeń energetyki wiatrowej oraz systemów zarządzania systemami energetycznymi. Język polski jako język ojczysty. Mile widziana znajomość języka niemieckiego. Bardzo dobra znajomość nowoczesnych systemów zarządzania sieciami energetycznymi, dobra znajomość MS Office, MS Project lub Primavera. Mile widziana znajomość SAP R/3. Poszukujemy autentycznego pasjonata energetyki wiatrowej, osoby o szerokich horyzontach myślowych, dynamicznej i znakomicie zorganizowanej, analitycznej, bardzo dokładnej i odpornej na stres. Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku, będzie pierwszym i jedynym reprezentantem koncernu w Polsce. Dlatego koncern, niezależnie od wiedzy i doświadczenia zawodowego kandydata, oceniać będzie również jego kulturę osobistą i międzynarodowe doświadczenie biznesowe. Praca w Warszawie z częstymi wyjazdami w różne regiony Polski. Uprzejmie prosimy o zamieszczenie na stopce CV tekstu zgodnie z RODO. Wersja polska: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez CBI ASTROMAN Sp. z o.o. w Warszawie, ul. Nowy Świat 42, w celach realizacji procesów rekrutacyjnych obecnie i w przyszłości, zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami o ochronie danych osobowych RODO / GDPR określonych w Rozporządzeniu Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 roku."
Product Manager - PC Systems
Michael Page International (Poland) Sp. z o.o., Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Zakres obowiązków Pozycjonowanie cenowe produktów i monitorowanie trendów rynkowych. Budowanie efektywnych relacji biznesowych z dostawcami i klientami. Analiza rotacji i planowanie zapasów magazynowych, koordynowanie zamówień i dostaw zgodnie z prognozami zakupów. Współpraca z regionalnymi zespołami i producentami w zakresie promocji oraz analizy rynku, aktualnych trendów i możliwości rozwoju. Efektywne zarządzanie gospodarką magazynową. Realizacja planów sprzedażowych. Analiza zapytań klientów i przygotowywanie ofert handlowych. Podstawowe doradztwo technologiczne w zakresie oferowanych produktów. Przygotowywanie i prezentowanie rozwiązań podczas spotkań, szkoleń i webinarów. Wymagania 3 lata doświadczenia zawodowego na stanowisku handlowym w branży IT. Umiejętność budowania relacji z klientami. Bardzo dobra organizacja pracy własnej. Dobra znajomość branży IT. Znajomość j. angielskiego na poziomie umożliwiającym swobodną komunikację (B2). Mile widziane doświadczenie w pracy u dystrybutora IT. Oferujemy Zatrudnienie na pełny etat w oparciu o umowę o pracę lub kontrakt B2B. Możliwość pracy hybrydowej lub zdalnej. Wynagrodzenie miesięczne wraz z systemem premiowym. Pakiet benefitów pozapłacowych: prywatna opieka medyczna, karta sportowa, ubezpieczenie grupowe, ZFŚS, kursy językowe.
Product Manager - PRINTING
Michael Page International (Poland) Sp. z o.o., Warszawa, Mazowieckie
Zakres obowiązków Pozycjonowanie cenowe produktów i monitorowanie trendów rynkowych. Budowanie efektywnych relacji biznesowych z dostawcami i klientami. Analiza rotacji i planowanie zapasów magazynowych, koordynowanie zamówień i dostaw zgodnie z prognozami zakupów. Współpraca z regionalnymi zespołami i producentami w zakresie promocji oraz analizy rynku, aktualnych trendów i możliwości rozwoju. Efektywne zarządzanie gospodarką magazynową. Realizacja planów sprzedażowych. Analiza zapytań klientów i przygotowywanie ofert handlowych. Podstawowe doradztwo technologiczne w zakresie oferowanych produktów. Przygotowywanie i prezentowanie rozwiązań podczas spotkań, szkoleń i webinarów. Wymagania 3 lata doświadczenia zawodowego na stanowisku handlowym w branży IT. Umiejętność budowania relacji z klientami. Bardzo dobra organizacja pracy własnej. Dobra znajomość branży IT. Znajomość j. angielskiego na poziomie umożliwiającym swobodną komunikację (B2). Mile widziane doświadczenie w pracy u dystrybutora IT. Oferujemy Zatrudnienie na pełny etat w oparciu o umowę o pracę lub kontrakt B2B. Możliwość pracy hybrydowej lub zdalnej. Wynagrodzenie miesięczne wraz z systemem premiowym. Pakiet benefitów pozapłacowych: prywatna opieka medyczna, karta sportowa, ubezpieczenie grupowe, ZFŚS, kursy językowe.
Regional Sales Representative - rekrutacja online
HRK S.A., Siekierczyn, dolnoslaskie
The team of HRK Engineering & Manufacturing consultants is dedicated to recruitment in the production, industry and R&D sectors. We specialize in searching for employees for engineering, managerial and directorial positions. On a daily basis, we cooperate with production plants and companies that supply their products or services to the industrial sector. For our client, one of the most famous agricultural machinery dealers in Lower Silesia, we are looking for an employee for the position of Sales Representative for Agricultural Machinery Sales in the Export Department. The company is constantly developing its products, offers its own brands, and has won awards, among others. Lower Silesian Economic Certificate, Business Gazelles. The employed employee will be responsible for acquiring new and servicing existing customers.  Regional Sales Representative Miejsce pracy: Siekierczyn Tasks: Sale of agricultural, municipal and forestry machines and other products Working with the company's current clients in German-speaking markets Actively searching for new customers for the company's products. Implementation of sales plans Technical advice on sold machines and devices Conducting trade negotiations Preparing commercial offers Participation in training, fairs, conferences and commercial presentations Requirements: Experience in selling technical products on export markets Knowledge of German (min. B2), additional language welcome Prospecting competences Specialized education in management, machinery and agriculture is preferred Willingness to travel on business Driving license. B Good knowledge of MS Office computer programs Experience with CRM programs We offer: Employment under an indefinite-term contract after a 3-month trial period Hybrid work Attractive employment conditions Work in a thriving industry and a stable and dynamically developing company The commission amount depends on the sales results achieved with no upper limit (from 5% to 15% gross depending on the implementation of the sales plan and product group) Training in Poland and abroad, opportunities for professional development Good working atmosphere in a well-coordinated team Laptop, mobile phone and other necessary work tools Private medical care and life insurance
Program Manager EEMEA
Stryker, Warszawa, mazowieckie
We are excited to be named one of the World’s Best Workplaces by Fortune Magazine!We are proud to offer you our total rewards package which includes bonuses, healthcare, insurance benefits, retirement programs, wellness programs, as well as service and performance awards – not to mention various social and recreational activities, all of which are location specific.Who we wantEffective communicators. People who can interpret information clearly and accurately to concisely communicate results and recommendations to stakeholders, senior management, and their teams.  Subject matter experts. Managers who not only oversee the collection, review, and analysis of data but can interpret, translate, and present on all various matters as needed. Compliance-focused orchestrators. Managers who carefully oversee people, processes, and deliverables to ensure compliance with company policies and procedures. Managers who drive performance. People who implement process improvements and leverage the talent of their team to consistently increase performance and productivity. Goal-oriented orchestrators. People who can effectively coordinate and focus the work of skilled employees toward an important goal, prioritizing the right activities that lead to success. Process and system-oriented skills. People who can translate business processes into system solutions to drive innovation and optimization.Job overviewThe Program Manager EEMEA will lead and execute all projects within EEMEA whilst providing leadership on project and process improvement methodologies to drive business growth and support the development of a continuous improvement culture.  This role will focus on engaging closely with the business to execute projects and prioritize improvement opportunities. These projects will be primarily strategic, cross-organizational initiatives to integrate businesses, implement innovative technologies, and automate and simplify significant business operations.What you will do:Ensure successful implementation of business projects and initiatives related to process optimization and new tools and technologies.Collaborate with project stakeholders to develop and manage project scope. Contribute to the creation of detailed Work Breakdown Structure. Understanding of project/program management techniques and methods and contribute to the detailed project Gantt chart. Collaborate with PM (Project Management) on major workstreams, and intersecting milestones. Own your teams project schedule Collaborate with cross-functional managers to define project budget. Monitor and maintain your team's costs within budget. Implement risk management strategies and templates for projects or programs, enabling effective identification and monitoring of risk response. Responsible for evaluating a range of projects with the goal of facilitating staffing, resolving resource allocation conflicts, and monitor staff utilization on the activities that will generate the highest business value aligned with the prioritization process. May recruit, hire, onboard, manage, and develop direct staff. Build and sustain effective stakeholder relationships at all levels, particularly with business partners. Develop stakeholder strategies for effective management across broad range of expectations and requirements. Implement effective communications management strategies to senior management with specific emphasis on business objectives delivery, efficient resource deployment, effective risk and issue management. Responsible for effective meeting management and group facilitation activities for programs/projects in scope Support the management of divisional/department strategic planning activities to meet divisional/department goals. Leads programs. Advises other Project Management roles on major programs. Drive project and program cost efficiencies. Make portfolio spend decisions. Has a deep understanding of how to apply quality system(s). Additional role-specific technical areas of responsibilities may be added as deemed necessary by the local hiring manager. Shows care and concern about team members, regardless of background, and creates an inclusive team environment for team members with diverse cultural backgrounds Demonstrates tact and diplomacy when confronted with politically contentious situations, stays calm under pressure and has great conflict resolution skills Consistently drives results despite demanding deadlines, and proactively seeks to go above and beyond, taking on additional responsibility and leadership roles where appropriate. Collaborate across teams, knows how to play to people’s strengths; creates an environment of high morale with strong recognition and barrier removal team members Can gain end-user/stakeholder feedback across all levels to make the project better, efficiently using stakeholders’ time and incorporates feedback throughout the project/program life cycle Is a great communicator both formally and informally; use accessible language and can speak confidently and with a sense of authority Is a great influencer – gains agreement from both sides of discussion, expertly crafting arguments to objections Forges strong relationships with outside colleagues and incorporates insight on common delivery and execution challenges from network to drive projects and improve team performance Actively seeks to develop awareness of project objectives and how they relate to broader organizational goals and prioritizes project tasks based on impact to these goals. Considers the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one for project or program, applying a structured approach to problem solving without deferring to others Deals well with ambiguity and can make decisions with relevant but not necessarily complete information Works well with a wide variety of people, adapt to change and encourage cooperative learning through performance feedback Additional role-specific knowledge and capabilities may be added as deemed necessary by the local hiring manager. What you need:Master or University Degree requiredLean Certifcation required & PMP certification preferred5+ years experience as Project/Program ManagerExperience with ERP & CRM implementationExperience of complex business environment with cross-collaborational functionsDemonstration of strong leadership and influencing skillsAnalytical and problem solving skills and ability to implement changeMedical/Healthcare Company experience preferredStrong written and verbal communication and presentation skillsGood understanding of business growth and sales strategies according to healthcare marketsStrong project management, coordination and organizational skillsStryker is a global leader in medical technologies and, together with its customers, is driven to make healthcare better. The company offers innovative products and services in MedSurg, Neurotechnology, Orthopaedics and Spine that help improve patient and healthcare outcomes. Alongside its customers around the world, Stryker impacts more than 150 million patients annually.
Manager, Data & Analytics EEMEA
Stryker, Warszawa, mazowieckie
We are excited to be named one of the World’s Best Workplaces by Fortune Magazine!We are proud to offer you our total rewards package which includes bonuses, healthcare, insurance benefits, retirement programs, wellness programs, as well as service and performance awards – not to mention various social and recreational activities, all of which are location specific.Job OverviewAs the Manager, Data & Analytics EEMEA, you will be responsible for the creation and management of data analytics tools and supporting the analytic needs of the EEMEA Division, providing world class analytical insights and capabilities. This includes ensuring appropriate data access and availability, analysis and visualization that meets and exceeds the internal customer’s needs.  This role is also responsible for collaborating across other regions and functions to ensure data access is available for the EEMEA business to address regional needs. This role is part of the Business Enablement Solutions team that is focusing on business transformation and sales enablement projects and initiatives to improve data visibility and drive automation and digitalization. This person also works closely with IT, Operations, Finance and other enabling functions to develop recommendations and initiatives to establish a data driven culture by providing access to accurate data and reports for KPI management.Who we want:Effective communicators. People who can interpret information clearly and accurately to concisely communicate results and recommendations to stakeholders, senior management, and their teams.Insightful advisors. Managers who lead strategy development and provide guidance to teams.Subject matter experts. Managers who not only oversee the collection, review, and analysis of data but can interpret, translate, and present on all various matters as needed.What you will do:Leadership/People Development:Develop trusted relationships with the EEMEA business teams and other key stakeholders.Partner closely also with IT and external vendors and foster a collaboration environment.Ability to influence at all levels within the organization.Manage discussions and provide business input and translate business requirements.Foster a culture of data quality and business understanding of data accuracy for analytical purposes.Provide leadership and guidance to projects that impact our processes.Leverage experts and resources from Sales, Marketing, Finance, HR, RAQA, Legal, IT etc. where necessary.Partner with the business transformation, sales enablement team and other enabling functions to build a solid data environment for our business stakeholders.Responsible to live and exemplify Stryker’s Values: Integrity, Accountability, People, and PerformanceAct as a change management leader to ensure user adoption as part of a data-driven environment.Functional Responsibilities:Manage large library of analytics content for key internal customers including Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Operations.Orchestrate collaboration with Stryker enterprise functions to leverage domain expertise, capabilities, and identify areas of opportunity.Manage expectations on timing and scope of project work, including budget and financial impact.Lead discussions with data analysts and business stakeholders to identify opportunities where data analytics concepts can be applied to real-world business opportunities.Mentor and coach both new and experienced data analytics colleagues in the development of their skills and complex business problem resolution.Demonstrate creative ability to recommend visualizations of data that empower key business stakeholders to easily interpret complex information and quickly identify key insights.Orchestrate presentations and communications that effectively convey complex analyses up to the leadership level.Contribute to the development of the strategic vision for data analytics at Stryker.Work in close partnership with business stakeholders to identify and support/lead key commercial initiatives.Investigate and implement new analytics methods & tools to support the needs of the business.Support/lead the identification, development, and tracking of KPI goals / targets to support business initiatives.Conduct & Compliance:Abide by and support the policies set forth in the Stryker Code of Conduct.Understand that compliance with the Code of Conduct, as it may be amended by Stryker Corporation from time to time, is a condition of continued employment with Stryker.Conduct work in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations and in accordance with Stryker’s high ethical standards.Report any violations of these policies and procedures to Stryker management or in the manner outlined in Stryker’s Ethics Hotline Policy.What you need:Knowledge & Skill RequirementsExcellent analytical skills: Must be able to analyze and resolve complex issues of a broad scope using independent judgment.Solid interpersonal skills: Internal Staff, Management and Commercial.Demonstrates strong communication and presentation skills.In-depth understanding of business processes with the ability to translate it in IT language.Must be able to understand and work within complex interdivisional procedures.Effective planning and organizational skills: Ability to prioritize work and keep accurate, detailed and confidential records.Demonstrated a culture of employee engagement, talent development and growth.Ability to anticipate impact and proactively take initiative beyond direct responsibility.Proficiency with related software tools including but not limited to Microsoft Project Manager, Excel etc.Education & Qualifications:Bachelor’s and/or Master`s degree in Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Data Science, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, or other relevant engineering/technical field required.5+ years of related work experience required.2+ years of people leadership experience preferred.Experience leading peers through end-to-end data analytics projects (e.g. from problem and requirements definition to code/model validation and reporting deployment) required.Experienced/advanced in business intelligence and analytics platforms (e.g. Power BI, Tableau) required.Familiar with common data analysis processes (e.g. data transformation, cleansing, modeling, relational database concepts) required.Familiarity with programming languages central to data analytics (e.g. SQL, Python, R, DAX) required.Background of advising both immediate team and broader organization on solutions required.Familiar with development & utilization of applications and process automation tools to improve analytics processes (e.g. Power Apps, Power Automate) required.Experience with project management tools & framework (e.g. scrum and agile frameworks) preferred.Experience/advanced in data governance concepts including the need for documented definitions, calculations, sources, lineage, etc. preferred. Medical Device Company experience preferred.Internal applicants with an equivalent combination of education, experience and performance over time at Stryker will be considered.Stryker is a global leader in medical technologies and, together with its customers, is driven to make healthcare better. The company offers innovative products and services in MedSurg, Neurotechnology, Orthopaedics and Spine that help improve patient and healthcare outcomes. Alongside its customers around the world, Stryker impacts more than 150 million patients annually.